Chapter forty three

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*1 month later and 2 months pregnant*

"Party tonight" Daniel screamed with excitement.

I was nervous, I obviously can't drink and the boys will question that. I think they know something is up, but they hasn't quite got it yet.

It's been so hard to stay clean from alcohol and self injury while pregnant, the boys have been having so many house party's and I've been having so many bad thoughts.

"Hey, I might just stay in bed tonight. I'm not feeling it" I said to beau, as he was typing on his phone.

"Aw okay" he smiled, I know he only agreed because it's me. The suicidal alcoholic and whenever I'm having a bad day it's literally nearly the end of my world.

I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom, the sickness I've been having is unreal. Luke has basically been force feeding me these past few days, because if I don't eat then the baby won't eat.


I could hear the people arriving downstairs, and it was giving me such a headache. I was running back and forth to the bathroom to throw up and I just felt like utter shit.

I decided to go down stairs to get a drunk of water and a pain killer, only one though. As I walked down the stairs, I held my stomach. Hopefully not making it obvious.

"Ayyyy chels" Jai shouted, he was pissed out his face.

"Hiya" I half smiled, trying to avoid everyone and just get what I needed and go.

"Come on, have a drink with us" he said, pointing to all the people around him.

"No I'm okay" he smiled, and walked off.

I walked into the kitchen where Beau, James, Daniel and Luke were stood.

"Hey beautiful" luke said, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me from behind. Holding my stomach, trying not to make it obvious though.

"Here" beau said, handing me a drink.

"No thanks" I said, giving it back to him.

"Come on chels, you never turn down vodka" he slurred.

"No I'm fine beau" I said, politely denying his offer.

I looked up at Luke, who was already looking down at me with a worried face.

"Just one shot" James said, handing me a drink.

"No honestly, I don't want" I said, my time firmer than before.

"Pleeeaaaaassseee" Daniel laughed.

"Nooo" I smiled, and turned around quickly to be greeted by someone walking straight into me with full force.

I leant over in pain, holding my stomach tightly. Luke knelt down next to me, his face full of worry.

The pain was excoriating, I felt like I'd been stabbed or something.

"Luke" I said, my eyes shut in pain.

"Come on, let's go upstairs" he said, putting his arm around me and walking me up to bed.

I climbed into bed, nearly in tears from the pain.

There was a knock at the door and beau came stumbling in.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing, just go down stairs" luke said.

"Nah, tell me" beau said, sounding more sober with ever word he spoke.

"It's nothing, we can talk tomorrow" luke replied.

"Chelsea?" Beau said, turning to me. Looking for answers.

I looked up at luke, waiting for a yes or a no whether to tell him or not and he nodded his head.

"Beau, I'm pregnant" I said, trying my best to stay positive.

"What?" He stuttered looking over at luke, and sat down on the end of the bed.

Luke nodded and sighed, I don't know how luke feels about this. We haven't really spoke about it, but I don't know if he's happy or if he's scared. Because I know for a fact I'm so fucking scared.



I woke up and the house was in silence and the pain in my stomach was gone. I was wide awake with too much on my mind. Too many bad thoughts circled my head and I felt like I wanted to die, but I knew I couldn't because I'm not on my own as such anymore, I have a tiny person growing inside me.

I got up and out of bed, I slipped some shoes on and walked out the house. I walked for what felt like forever, until I reached the hospital. I walked in slowly, and went up to the reception desk.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" A women smiled.

"I want to kill myself, but I can't because I'm pregnant and I really don't trust myself being alone right now" I said quickly.

The women told me to take a seat, as she went to find a nurse for me. A small women walked over to me and smiled.

"I'm Tracy" she said.

"Chelsea" I replied.

"Come with me, we can go and talk" she cooed, as we walked into a darkish room with sofas.

"So, talk me through your situation" she said.

"Well I'm suicidal and pregnant, which don't go well together" I sighed.

"Why are you suicidal my love?" She asked.

And as I spoke, the more and more open I was getting with her. I told her every single fucking thing that has ever caused me stress or pain. I told her about my step mum, my birth mum, luke, Jai, my dad, my sister and everything else in between and after I was finished I just sat and cried. She decided to keep me in, but not in the hospital itself. They transferred me to a 'centre' where 'people like me' got treated.

They called luke and he was here almost instantly, he looked at me with a smile but his eyes weren't sparkling like they usually do.

"I'm so sorry" I said, sniffing.

"Don't be sorry" he replied, taking my hand.

"I am sorry though, I wanted to take my life. But they stopped me" I said, looking down at my stomach.

"Our baby saved you, see it's not only me anymore" he smiled.

'Our baby'

He really did care for this baby.


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So much more to come!!

- Stevie

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