Chapter thirty three

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*Daniels POV*

I watched in shock as Jai cried violently into Chelsea's stomach, her eyes were shut and she was only taking breaths every couple of seconds. The paramedics arrived and lifted her onto a medical trolly, and she was taken away in the ambulance, she was taken away so quickly that no one was able to go with her.

"She's alone, and that's not right" Jai cried.

"We need to get to the hospital" he shouted, standing up and running to the door.

"Let's go" beau said, getting his keys and running to the door.

The journey to the hospital was rushed and quiet, everyone was flustered and upset.

*beaus POV*

I was trying to focus on the road but it was near enough impossible. All I could think about was Chelsea, lying there, lifeless.

Once we arrived at the hospital she was taken to have her stomach pumped, and then she was put into a room under close observation. Visitors weren't allowed at the moment so all the boys and I went home, for now.

When we arrived home Jai went straight to his room, slamming his door. He hasn't spoke to anyone since we arrived at the hospital over 3 hours ago. I've never seen him like this before.


It's around 11am, and the boys and I are heading up to the hospital to see Chelsea. Just as we were leaving, luke emerged from his bedroom.

"You're a fucking prick" Jai spat.

"What the fuck man?" Luke was confused and tired.

"Don't you remember what happened?" He glared at his brother.

"What?" Luke said, looking concerned.

"Chelsea found out you cheated on her, you went out and got drunk with some girls and she went to the bathroom to kill herself" Jai said, raising his voice.

Luke stared at us all, he had obviously forgotten the happenings of earlier this morning.

"beau?" Luke said, looking more worried than ever.

I shook my head and we left the house and got into the car. The majority of the car ride was silent, until Jai spoke up.

"I could fucking kill him" he sighed loudly, what he said concerned me slightly as luke and Jai are the closest out of all of us. Even though they're my brothers too, I'll never have a bond with them like they have with each other.

We arrived at the hospital just before visiting hours began, we waited not so patiently in the waiting room until a nurse came and spoke to us.

"She's awake now, you can go in" the nurse half smiled.

We all walked in slowly and quietly. You know that feeling when your heart sinks into your stomach? Like you can physically feel it drop? That's how I felt when I saw her lying in the hospital bed. Jai walked, quickly over to her and hugged her tightly. Not letting her go for a good couple of seconds.

"Hi beautiful" he smiled.

*Chelseas POV*

At first I was nervous for the boys to come into my room, I was scared they would be upset or angry at me for what I had done. I was hoping this was all some twisted dream.

"Hi beautiful" Jai smiled sympathetically at me.

"Hi" my voice was croaky and sore.

I was confused and disorientated, my eyes were fuzzy and my throat was dry. I reaches over noticing the glass of water sat on the table next to me. I picked it up, but instantly dropped it. I was so weak.


*2 days later*

I was allowed to leave the hospital today, as long as I go to the therapist they assigned me to. Which I eventually agreed too. Beau picked me up and we drove home, the care ride was relatively quite. Just the radio faintly playing. Once we arrived, beau helped me into the house and on to the sofa. I settled back into my seat, sighing with relief to be out of the hospital but also sighing in pain slightly.

"Do you need anything?" Beau asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Nah, I'm good" I said, my throat hurt like hell.

All the boys were out, well I had no idea what luke was doing and where he was but quite frankly I don't care right now.

Beau and I watched tv until the rest of the boys returned with food for everyone minus myself. After just having my stomach pumped, food was the last thing on my mind.

After they had finished eating, I decided I wanted to go to bed. Jai offered his bed to me, he helped me up the stairs and I climbed into his bed. He got in too, lying closely next to me.

"You don't have to stay you know" I said, looking at Jai.

"But I want too" he smiled, then looking at me for a few seconds.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, confused about why he wanted to stay with me and why he was staring at me.

"Yup" he sighed.

"That sigh makes me think different" I said, sitting up and crossing my legs.

"It's nothing" he said, brushing off the question.

We sat in silence for a while, neither of us saying or doing anything.

"I love you chels" Jai then said.

"I love you too" I smiled, not fully understanding what he meant by 'I love you'

"No Chelsea you don't understand" he said, standing up. Obviously getting frustrated.

"What?" I asked.

Jai didn't say anything, but he quickly walked over to me. Pressing his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. I was taken back, yet I didn't pull away for a few seconds.

"Jai, i?" I stuttered, awkwardly.

"I'm sorry" he said.


Hi hi, plot twist?!¿¡

I wanted to change the story up slightly, what do u all think? What do you think will happen next?

Also, I may not update as frequently these couple of days. As I'm on antibiotics and medication and it's making me super tired and unwell, sorrrrryyy!😁

ily guys x


- Stevie

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