Chapter fifty one.

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*Please comment as you read guys !! Also I've put in a Vamps song lyric somewhere in this chapter, if you spot it 10 points to you*

*one month later*

We are back in America, tour is over and it was so amazing. We had a few difficulties with luke being on crutches but we managed to work around it.

Luke has been making me attend a therapist who wants to refer me to a 'special place for people like me' which is basically a mental unit, but I refuse to go there. I'm not crazy. I'm not fucking crazy.


"Hi" I said, as I walked into the therapist's office. Her name is Gillian and I'm quite fond of her. I thought I would instantly hate her, but she doesn't force me to do or tell her anything I don't want to.

"Hello love" she smiled.

Gillan is so beautiful, she reminds me a lot of my mum. Looks and personality wise. They're both drop dead gorgeous and loving. Gillian seems to enjoy the company of anyone and everyone, I never see her without a smile.

"How's things?" She then asked.

I nodded, "good" I replied. I was being truthful, I'm genuinely not feeling suicidal or like I want to harm myself. luke and I have been getting on so well recently, and all the boys are getting on too. Everything is just so perfect.

"I'm glad to hear that, because I've been seeing so much progress in you and I wasn't sure if you had noticed it too." She was right, I had come a long way, and I had noticed it. I'm no longer in a dark, dark place. There is light, and that light is named Luke Brooks.

I smiled at Gillian, I don't know what it is about her but she makes me feel so comfortable and calm. I don't if it's because she reminds me of my mum, or if it is something completely different. Either way, she is a very special lady in my eyes.

"Gillian?" I asked.

"Yes my love?"

"How do you understand me? No one ever seems to understand what is going on inside my head. But with you it's like you're in there with me and you know what I think and how I feel. You make it so easy to explain my feelings."

"Well, you and me? We are the same. Well? We were the same, many years ago. I was once in your position, and I never had anything like this. I had to battle the demons on my own, but I'm here to battle yours with you" she smiled.

I finally understood how Gillian got me, how her and I just clicked instantly.

"Is it unprofessional to hug you right now Gill?" I asked.

"Not at all sweetheart" she said, as I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.

Gillian may be my therapist, but she is also like a best friend to me. We don't only talk about my feelings during our sessions, we talk about anything and everything. What we want to do with our lives and our hopes and dreams. We talk about love, and hate. And even what we had for dinner the previous night. I thought I would hate coming to therapy, but it's the best days of the week. I come here 3 times a week, and the days im not here it's like something is missing and that something is Gillian.

Our session was over for today, but I'm back in 2 days.

"I'll see you on Friday love" Gill smiled.

"Yeah, oh and can I ask you something?"

She nodded, "no loony bin?" I asked, laughing.

"No loony bin" she replied, also laughing.

"I'm not crazy" I laughed.

"I know, I know" she said, rolling her eyes.

We said goodbye and I left, I checked my phone and I had a text from Luke asking me to bring him home a Starbucks. I walked down the street and into the coffee shop, I ordered us both a drink and stood and waited for them.

I lifted my sleeve slightly to check my watch, as my phone was in my bag. Two old women who were sat near the counter looked over at me and then turned back to each other.

"There is nothing sadder than a child who has barely seen the world, yet who has seen enough of it to know that they do not wish to be a part of it." One woman said to her friend.

It felt like I had been punched in the stomach, but I was determined to not let it get to me. I'm trying to be a stronger person. I should've toughened up, Not self destruct.

I collected our drinks and began walking home, I preferred walking because it gives me time to think and clear my head a bit. Once I got home, luke and I sat at the table, drinking our drinks and talking about our day. I liked things like this, it may only be talking about our day but I love finding out what him and the boys got up to or what movie he watched that day or even what he had for his lunch. I love every single detail he tells me, because he is the most important thing in my life.

"So you've had a good day then?" He asked.

"Yes" I nodded, and smiled.

Luke smiled at me, "good, because you deserve it more than anyone in the world".

"I love you" I smiled, and kissed luke. Obviously taking him by surprise. I guess he didn't mind too much, as I felt him smile in between the kiss.

"I love you too" he said.

Have you ever looked at someone and thought 'woah I really fucking love you' because every time I catch a glimpse of luke that's the feeling I get. We have been together for so long know, yet he still gives me butterflies when he looks at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" Luke said, laughing shyly.

"Because I love you, and your face is my favourite thing" I responded.

"What a coincidence, I love you and your face is also my favourite thing" he laughed, placing his lips on mine.

Whenever I think about luke, a smile is instantly on my face. He is my smile and my happiness.


Quick update before Christmas !! Omfg it's christmas eve and I'm so excited !!

My best friend has just started writing a story too, you should all go and read it!! It's amazing😋 'Luke Brooks and The Little Red Butterfly' by sunshinebr00ks.

Also, James Faved my tweet last night, I was not ok.

I hope you all have an amazing christmas because u all deserve it !!

I love u all lots xox

- stevie

ps. If you see this, comment 'im stuke af' 😏

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