chapter two

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I got punched in the face last night, for not cleaning the kitchen 'properly'. I've got a bruise covering one of my eyes which is going to need a lot of make up to cover.

No one knows what happens at home and I'm planning to keep it that way. I don't really talk to anyone there so it's pretty easy to keep it to myself.

I got to school late this morning, she was shouting at me as usual. Walking into class late and with everyone staring at you isn't something you'd like to experience. Obviously I got stared at but I tried to block everyone's whispers and funny looks out.

Not many people like me, they think I'm weird. I'm that kid you see in the halls with a book in hand and my headphones in trying to block out the world.

When my first class finished, my teacher Mrs Jones tapped me on the shoulder as I was leaving.

"Are you okay Chelsea?" she said softly.

I lightly touched the bruise under my eye and sighed.

"Yeah I'm fine"

I was lying through my teeth but if it got me out of talking to other people then I was fine with it.

"How did that happen?" She asked, referring to my bruised eye which I thought was pretty well covered.

Obviously not.

As soon as she asked that my chest tightened, even thinking about it made my stomach turn with nerves and fear. I took a deep breath, swallowed my fear and just told her I fell. I'm not quite sure if she believed me but it would do.

I walked into my English class, finally I was able to breathe. I liked English. In my opinion I was quite good at English. I like reading and writing, it's a good way to get rid of bad thoughts or to occupy yourself.

James and his friends were also in this class. I've been thinking about one of his friends in particular. I'm not to sure why as I didn't really like his attitude, but I just couldn't get Luke off of my mind.

Even though he was obnoxious and rude he was still gorgeous.

James and I have been talking to each other for a while now, ever since that day we met walking to school he has been like a best friend to me. He is good at making me smile, and that's all I need sometimes. When I've had a really bad day at school or if something is going on at home he is always able to make me smile.

In our English class we were told to write a short story about gang violence. The teacher explained what we had to do and then she wrote up some words on the board that would be useful to us.






Every word she wrote up on the board hit me like a ton of bricks. The teacher was describing things no human should go through. A step mother should never do that to her step daughter but I guess she doesn't care.

As I was writing my story the words were spinning round in my head and I couldn't concentrate. I turned around slightly and James who looked up at me and smiled, asked me if I was okay.

I nodded my head, but I really wasn't okay. The words inside my head scared me. The thought of my step mum doing this to me when I got home terrified me. I raised my hand to ask if I could go to the bathroom, but my hand couldn't stop shaking. The teacher allowed me to the bathroom and as I got up from my seat my whole body was shaking.

As I turned the corner into the hallway I practically ran to the bathroom, and threw up as soon as I got there. I fixed myself a little bit before heading back to class. I walked out of the girls toilets to see Luke standing against the wall across from it.

I tried to just ignore him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I seen you shaking, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I said, putting a smile on my face.

"You don't look it, you're pale and shaking Chelsea?" He said.

"Luke I'm fine okay" I said, storming back into class and sitting down.

Luke soon returned to class, and sat back in his original seat at the far end of the room. Not long after he retuned he started playing up to the teacher. Shouting, throwing things and swearing. The teacher asked him kindly to leave the room but he just responded with

'get to fuck'


Luke stood up from his seat and walked out, kicking things as he did.

He seems to have a lot of anger, every time I pass a him in the halls he has a dirty look on his face.


As I was walking home from school James came up to me and asked if I'd want to go to his later and watch movies with him and the boys. Even though I didn't know the rest of them as well as I knew James I still agreed to go.

Once I had got home, I tried to be as quiet as I could going up the stairs but I heard footsteps behind me so I froze. i expected it to be my step mum which would probably lead to arguing or something like that if she even noticed I was home.

I turned slowly to see a familiar face smiling at me. It was my dad. I ran down the stairs and flung my arms around him, hugging him as tight as I could. Just him being in the same room as me made a huge smile spread across my face. At least with him being home I wouldn't get hurt or shouted at by Lorna. As far as I knew she wasn't home, which meant it was just me and my dad which is unusual for me. I'm never normally just with him.

My dad and I were sat talking in the living room, where I never normally sat because to be honest I was terrified. After a while of talking I noticed my dad looking at me strangely.

"Chels? What happened to your eye?" He asked, with concern in his voice.

"Oh, urm I" I stuttered.

But before I could answer, Lorna and a younger girl I had never seen before came into the house. My dad stood up from his seat and walked over to her, hugging her tightly.

The girl who came into the house with Lorna stood there, staring at me. Her name is Charlotte and she's about my age and she is Lorna's daughter. I was confused to why I had never seen her before in my life but apparently her dad didn't want her to stay with him anymore so she has come to live with us.


I stood up from my seat and walked around past everyone to go up the stairs but before I got to the stairs my dad grabbed me and hugged me. I feel a lot safer with him home, I know I won't get hurt or be made to do housework. I can actually live my life, well I don't have much of a life but still.

I told my dad that I was going out and he said it was fine, but I could see the anger in my step mums eyes. She never let's me out the house after school. I normally don't go anywhere anyway but still I'd like a bit of freedom.

I went up to my room to get ready. I sat down in fronton my mirror after putting on some music and started to get my things sorted. I decided to put some make up on, I'm not really too sure who I was trying to impress but it I'm going to be surrounded by boys I might as well make a good impression. Once I was half way through applying my make up there was a knock at my door. My step mum came in with a very annoyed expression on her face.

"Turn that shit down Chelsea" she spat.

"or what? You're going to beat me while my dad's here?" I snapped back. I was shocked at what I had just said, why did I say that?

"You'll regret that" my step mum replied, trying to stop herself from hitting me.

She can't touch my while my dad's home.

Before leaving my room, she stood and stared at me for a second.

"Finish putting your make up on you ugly cow" she smiled and left the room.

I slid my back down my door and sat in a heap on the floor, I'm insecure enough as it is.

After finishing my make up and things I was ready to leave. I walked down the stairs not feeling scared for once. I said bye to my dad and made my way over to James' house which wasn't too far from mine.

I lightly knocked on the door and I was greeted by James' smile, he invited me in and we walked through to the living room where Luke, Jai, Beau and another boy were sat.

I sat close to James on the sofa as I'm more comfortable around him, as I'm closer to him than the others.

"Oh that's Daniel by the way Chelsea" James said, pointing towards him.

"Hi' I smiled.

Daniel smiled back and waved.


*an hour later*

We had just ordered food and we decided to play truth or dare. I've gotten to know the boys a lot better tonight and I feel a lot more comfortable when I'm with them now. They're my only friends here.

"Beau I dare you to eat flour" Jai said.

Beau stood up and went through to James' kitchen got the floor and a spoon and sat back down. Jai took it from him and put a large amount onto the spoon.

"Nahh" beau said, trying to snatch the spoon from his younger brother.

"Just eat it dickhead" Luke butted in.

Beau took the spoon and put all the flour into his mouth. He started coughing and after about a minute all the flour was on the floor and we were all in fits of laughter as Beau ran it the bathroom to throw up.

He came back shortly after wiping his mouth with his arm and smiling.

"Luke I dare you to kiss Chelsea"

wait what, I don't want to kiss luke. Do I?

Luke stared at his brother for a moment before beau told him to do it only for a second. Before I knew it Luke's lips were on mine, and for a lot longer than a second. I kissed him back but I'm not really to sure why, as I don't really think I like him. His attitude stinks.

He pulled his lips away from mine and I noticed everyone was staring and seemed quite shocked really. I sat back in my seat and James nudged me in the side and smirked. I punched him lightly on the arm and laughed.

After everyone had had either a truth or a dare my phone went off.

*from Lorna*

get your ass home now you little brat.

I looked at the time and it was nearing 11 so I decided I might as well go home. I told all the boys I was leaving and they all said I couldn't walk home myself. Luke offered to walk me back, I rolled my eyes and followed him out the door. On the outside I wasn't to bothered luke was walking me home, but on the inside I had butterflies.

"So?" Luke said, swaying his arms as he walked.

"so what?" I replied.

"you fairly enjoyed that kiss did you?" He laughed.

"Shut up, it was a dare" I responded, laughing slightly.

"so you didn't enjoy it?"

"I never said that did I?" I smirked.

Before Luke could say anything else we were at my door, I hugged Luke goodnight and walked inside being greeted by my dad's loving smile and my step mums glare.

I wondered up the stairs and into my room, I got changed and showered and climbed into bed but all I could think about was that kiss with Luke.


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