Chapter forty seven.

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*one month later*


Everything has brightened up this past couple of weeks, luke and I are not as down as we previously were but don't get me wrong, it still hurts like hell.

The boys have just announced a world tour, which is absolutely incredible. Im forever proud of my boys. The tour is starting in the UK, and I have the privilege to attend with them. Apart from LA I had never really left Australia so I am very excited. I've been attending the rehearsals for the show and it looks amazing!! The boys have been working so hard for this, and I'm so glad they get to live their dreams.

It's tattoo day in the Janoskian house hold, we've all booked in to get tattoos done today. I've had my tattoo planned for a while now, no one else knows about it just yet. Once we arrived at the tattoo place, all the boys went off into separate rooms to get their sleeves finished apart from James. He decided to not get anything done today.

"What are you getting?" James smiled.

"Well, the other day I went up to the hospital and asked for the video of my ultra sounds, and on the video it shows the sound wave of my angels heart beat, and I've decided to get it on my wrist" I smiled.

James was quiet, but he had a huge grin on his face. The fully tattooed woman called my name and I walked into the room. I was nervous but excited.

"So, what are we doing today?" She smiled.

I handed her the picture I'd taken of the ultra sound, and showed her the small wave of heart beat in the top corner. I told her where I wanted it and she started.

"This is lovely" she said, not making eye contact with me as she concentrated.

"Thankyou" I smiled.

"What's your baby's name?" She asked.

"Well, my baby didn't make it." I sighed.

"I'm so sorry" she said, stopping the tattoo pen and looking up at me.

"It's okay"

She continued for another 10 minutes or so and then it was done.

"There you go" she smiled.

I stared down at my wrist, you could no longer see the purple scar that covered my left wrist. I was so happy with it.

"Thankyou so much" I smiled back.

She wrapped the tattoo up in clear film and I left the room, the boys were waiting for me at the door. I gave the woman some money and we all left.

All the boys were eager to see what I had got, but I didn't want to show it just yet. So once we were home, and it had healed up slightly I decided to show them.

"Hurry up then" beau joked.

I slid up my sleeve and held my arm out for them to see, they all looked confused apart from luke and James. A smile spread across lukes face as he held my wrist in his hand. Before I had a chance to explain what is was, luke was already kissing me.

"I love it" he said after.

Beau, Jai and Daniel were still looking rather confused.

"It's the baby's heart beat" I said.

Beaus jaw dropped, in a good way of course. He ran his thumb over my tattoo, and smiled. Beau lifted my wrist to his face, and planted a small kiss on the tattoo.

"It's gorgeous" he smiled.


We're flying to the first tour date today, which is in the UK. I've never been there before so I'm excited to see the cities and the culture. The boys are so excited to be travelling the world again, which is making me super happy.

We boarded the plane and set off on a long journey. I'm sure we all slept for most of it. Once we had landed we were taken to our hotel, and there was already fans outside. It made me slightly nervous, but the boys were happy so I was happy.

Ronnie is with us for the tour, which is exciting. He was originally going to come and love with us out in LA but something came up and he wasn't able too. So the boys are excited to have him on tour.

We've been in our rooms for less than an hour and the crowd of girls outside had nearly tripled in size. They were all chanting the boys names and singing many of their songs, which made me smile. It was time to head to the venue, the boys and I were quickly rushed into a car and driven round the back of the building. Once we were inside, I decided to head back out to see the line. I was also given tickets to hand out to people who didn't have. I was praying no one would recognise me, but that wasn't really the case.

"Oh my god" I heard one girl shout, as I walked outside.

The security guard who was stood at the door flung his arm in front of me as a crowd of girls ran towards me.

"Woahhh" he said, as the girls stopped in front of us.

"You have to stay calm, and not rush towards her okay?" He asked.

They all nodded and got back into their spaces in line. I walked up and down the line, talking and taking photos with people.

"holy shit" one girl said, as I smiled at her.

"Hello to you too" I laughed.

"oh my god" she said, taking her hands to her face and hiding. Once she removed her hands I noticed tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, don't cry" I said, bringing her into a huge hug.

"It's just, it's just you're my idol" she said, crying harder.

No one has ever called me their idol before, I felt like crying. That one sentence has made my whole day.

"You saved me from myself" she then said.

A few tears escaped my eyes as I tried to quickly wipe them away. I hugged her tightly.

"Right, I'll see you later okay? I love you" I smiled.

"I love you so much" she cried.

I hugged her one last time and then walked further down the line, I came across 2 girls who had a huge sign that read 'luke you are our sunshine' and it instantly made me smile. I took a picture with them and then asked if someone could take one on my phone too.

We all held the sign up and smiled, I then tweeted it to luke with the girls user names and 'hi sunshine'. I'm sure the girls thought nothing of it, until luke favourited my tweet and followed them both.

"How did he see that?!" One of the girls asked.

"He has my tweets on notifications, so it would have came up on his phone" I smiled.

"Thankyou so much" the other girl said, as they hugged me.


It was now time for the boys to go on stage, I was so nervous but so excited for them.

James and Daniel were first on stage, with James' mega mix he'd been working on for what felt like forever.

The other boys were jumping around like crazy, basically hyping themselves up for when it was time for them to go on. I've never seen them this excited to do something before, and I'm glad it's this.

Once all the boys were on stage, I watched from the side as I got emotional because of how far they've come. I wiped my eyes and smiled, every so often Luke would look over and smile at me.

I've never felt so proud, They're doing something that makes them so happy.


Heyyy, my story is so near 100K oh my god !! would be so amazing if it got to it before my next update!!


- Stevie

Cinderella // luke brooks fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora