chapter twenty six

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*1 month after the previous chapter*

Beau and i have been discussing me flying out to LA for a couple of weeks now, i've been saving up money and i have enough but the only thing giving me anxiety about it all is luke. He rarely speaks to me and im scared hes found someone better, someone who he loves a lot more than he'll ever love me.


Today is the day, its the day i fly to LA to see my boys, i have a 16 hour flight ahead of me and ive been awake all night thinking about everything. I was excited to see the boys, but also i was nervous. Its winter here in Australia so it is acceptable to wear jumpers, but in LA its summer and the boys will most defiantly notice that im not wearing 'summery' clothes.

My flight leaves at 4pm and Gina offered to drive me to the airport at about 1.30pm, once i had my bag loaded into the car we headed off. Our conversation started off strong but soon faded away as i nodded off for a bit. I was woken by Gina tapping me lightly on the shoulder.

"we're here" she half smiled

i undone my belt and sighed. I got out the car and i got my bag from the boot, Gina and i walked into the airport and i quickly got rid of my bag and checked in, by now it was 2.30pm and i had some time to kil before heading to my gate. Gina and i sat in the coffee shop near the door to the gates. The memories of the boys leaving came flooding back, i remember saying goodbye to Luke here.

"I wish you were coming with me Gina" i sighed, as i sipped my coffee.

"i wish i was coming too, miss my boys" she said.


Its time for me to go to my gate.

i stood up from my seat and hugged Gina tightly. we said our goodbyes and i walked to my gate, the anxiety and nerves were eating me up inside. i had never done something like this before, flying all on my own was a big step for me. i waited patiently for my flight, i sat texting beau teling him i was away to board my flight and that i would see him soon. My flight was called over the speakers and i walked over to te door, i handed my ticket and passport to the woman behind the desk and she smiled at me.

"enjoy your flight" she said, handing me my passport back.

"you too" i said, then realising she wasnt getting a flight.

The woman laughed at me and i awkwardy smiled and walked away, embarassed.

I made my way onto the plane and found my seat, two elderly women sat down next to me. I smiled slightly at then so they didn't think I was some kind of troubled youth, they smiled back and asked me how I was. We made small conversation as we waited for everyone to be seated. The flight attendants went over the safety rules and precautions and then we took off.


I woke up confused, I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I checked my phone and I only had about an hour left of the flight so I didn't think there was much point going to sleep again. I opened the shutter that covered the plastic window and I looked out, I could see the lights of the cities below us.

"Any last refreshment before we land?" The flight attendant asked.

"No thankyou" I smiled.

She then continued to ask the 2 ladies sat next to me, and they both got a coffee each.

"I don't want to seem rude love, but you haven't eaten anything this whole flight. Are you sure you don't want anything?" The old woman next to me asked, sipping her coffee as she did.

Cinderella // luke brooks fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum