chapter seven

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Luke said he loved me and I honestly don't know how to feel about it. I've never had someone be 'in love' with me before?

I had awoken to the sound of my phone buzzing against the desk. I picked it up and noticed it was 8.30pm, I must have fallen asleep after everything that had happened. The reason my phone was going was because I had many missed calls from each one of the boys. I immediately phoned Beau back as he was the last to call me.

"Chelsea" beau said, unease in his voice.


"Is Luke with you?" He asked.

"Um yeah why?"

"Oh okay, good" he sighed, as if it was a sigh of relief.

"what's going on beau?" I was confused, why did he sound like he was in such a panic.

"No ones heard from him or spoke to him in hours, he hasn't replied to any of our messages or calls and mum was worried" he explained.

I turned my head and saw Luke who was still asleep in my bed. I smiled and told Beau everything was fine and he would be home shortly. After my phone call with Beau I climbed back into my bed and tried my best not to wake Luke, I was at the other side of the bed to him for a bit until I felt his body move closer to mine and his arms wrap around my waist. It was nice. I turned around and his eyes were open and they instantly met mine.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Hey" he smiled back.

"Are you alright?" Luke said, sitting up right.

I lightly nodded my head and sat up too. The house was quiet, I stood up from the bed and opened the door. I could see from the top of the stairs that the smashed plate was still all over the floor.

"2 seconds" I said to luke before walking down the hall and knocking on Charlottes door.

"Come in" I heard faintly from behind the door.

When she saw me she sort of sighed with relief, she got up off of her bed and walked over.

"Chelsea? What happened to your face? It's all bruised" she said, in shock.

I looked at her as if to say 'you know what happened to my face, it was your mum who done it'. I hadn't seen my face, Charlottes room wasn't the cosiest of rooms. It went from being a spare bedroom to her room and she didn't bring anything to go in it. It was bare. I walked over to the mirror hung on her wall and examined my face. There was a blue'ish, purple bruise forming and my eye looked slightly swollen.

After looking at my face for a moment Charlotte appeared behind me in my reflection.

"You still look Beautiful Chels" she said, smiling.

I turned around and hugged my step sister, I didn't think we would ever get along. I thought she hated me? Obviously not.

"Is that boy still here?" She smirked.

"Yes" I said, lightly pushing her and laughing.

"So..?" She said, winking at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"Oh nothing" she replied, sitting back down on her bed.

I left Charlottes room and returned to my own, where Luke was sat in the middle of my bed on his phone.

"Woah, I had so many missed calls and messages" he laughed.

"Me too, your mum was worried about where you are"

"Oh" he said, scrolling on his phone.

"I phoned beau, he knows you're here" I said, climbing back into bed.

On the other hand, Luke got out of bed and stood in the mirror fixing his hair. That boy and his hair, I swear he is always checking it.

"I should probably go" he said, walking closer to the door.

"Oh okay"

"Will you be alright?" He asked, as I got out of bed and walked him down the stairs.

"I'm sure I will be" I 'smiled'.

But the truth is, I won't be alright. I'm terrified my step mum comes and does this again. I don't like being alone, yes I have Charlotte with me but she's going through the exact same thing as I am and she will be feeling the same as I do. I can't leave the house with bruises all on my face again? People will suspect too much. I told Luke not to tell anyone about what he saw last night, at first e didn't agree what so ever but when I explained to him that Lorna is the source of my dad's happiness and how much my dad meant to me he slightly agreed not to say until I was ready to tell someone.

"Bye Chels" he said, pulling me into a hug.

"Bye" I sighed.

"Are you sure you're all right?"

"Luke I'm fine, honestly" but I wasn't, I'm never going to be 'fine'

"I love you" luke said.

I love you too" I responded.

Luke leant in and kissed my lips lightly, then he walked down the path and his figure slowly faded away.

I didn't like not having him here, I felt safe when I was with him.

I went back up the stairs and knocked on Charlottes door, she looked at me sympathetically and I broke down sobbing. She knows exactly how I feel, living in constant fear. We both climbed into her bed and began talking.

"Charlotte?" I asked.

"You can call me Lottie if you want, that's what most people call me" she smiled slightly.

"Do you think we will ever escape this abuse?"

"Yeah, I'm sure we will" she said, trying to be positive about the whole situation.

"What if we don't?"

Someone should comment what they think should happen, needing some insparation ha.


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