chapter twenty one.

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I was taken back with what she had said.

was she really my mum? Was she really the woman who ran out on me and my dad? 

"what?" i said quietly to myself.

she nodded her head to reassure me she was being serious, i didn't know what to say? what do you say to a women you've basically just met but she says shes your mother?

I looked over at Gina who was as shocked as i was, i gave her a look to say 'im uncomfortable can we leave?' and she stood up from her seat.

"i think its best we leave" she smiled slightly.

"what, no?" Jenny said, also standing up from her seat.

"that's a lot for Chelsea to take in, shes under a lot of stress at the moment and tats just going to add to it" Gina said, putting her coat on. 

"well I'm sure she can make decisions for herself now cant she?" Jenny said, her tone of voice changing.

"yes, i can make decisions for myself and I've decided i want to leave" i said, standing up and taking Gina's arm as we left the shop.

Once we left the cafe i let go of Gina's arm and leaned against the wall, sighing loudly.

"come on, lets go home" gina half smiled.


Once we were home i went straight into the shower to think, the thought of Jenny being my mum scared me a little. I have so many unanswered questions to ask her yet i dont want to believe shes the woman who ran out on me.

why did she leave us?

did she not care about us?

did she just lose interest and move on?

Once i had finished in the shower i stepped out onto the cold, tiled floor and wrapped myself in a towel and took my hairdryer out of the drawer under the sink that i claimed as my own. I stood and quickly dried my hair and put it up into a high ponytail. I dried my body and threw one of my onesies on.

 I unlocked the bathroom door and went through to Luke and Jai's room to ge my phone which was charging, i had a text from Jenny which i decided to leave for the moment.. i didnt want to think about what she told me earlier. I heard the front door open and the boys voices echo down the hall. i walked quickly through to the living room where they were all stood and ran towards Luke wrapping my arms around him, i hadnt seen him all day and i missed him a lot.

"hello" he laughed as i hugged him tightly.

"hi" i said, looking up at him and smiling.

"how was you day?" he asked.

i shrugged and let go of him, i climbed over the back of the couch and flopped into my usual space. Luke came and sat next to me and i put my legs over his and cuddled up too him.

"i missed you today" i said, sighing into his chest.

"and i missed you too" he replied.

"Dinner" Gina shouted from the kitchen.

Luke stood up and quickly ran to the kitchen like an excited child, i laughed and slowly made my own way there to. I sat down Next to him and Gina handed me a plate.

"just dig in" she said, and as soon as she said it the boys practically jumped out their seats to get what they wanted. I waited until they had all got before taking a tiny bit of salad onto my plate and moving it around with my fork a little before taking a few mouthfuls.

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