chapter four

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my dad has been home a week and it's finally time for him to go back to work. Which honestly scares me like nothing else would.

You never know how long he will be away for, it's different for every job. He owns different businesses which are located around the world, mainly in London and New York. Yeah he phones and is still in full contact with me while he is away it still doesn't stop the abuse.

This will be the last morning I have with my dad being home so I better make the most of it. I got ready for school as quickly as I could so I had time to spend with him. We sat at the breakfast bar talking for about half an hour until my phone buzzed, James had text me saying him and the boys were outside.

I stood up from my stool, my dad wrapped his arms around me tightly. My head resting on his chest as tears fell from my eyes. I never wanted to let go. He lightly kissed the top of my head and let go of out hug. I quickly tried to hide the fact I was crying but I'm pretty sure he noticed.

"Be good for your step mum won't you?" He sighed, my dad knew I wasn't too fond of her yet he still married her.

"I will" I said, wiping my eyes.

I picked up my school bag and walked towards the door, I hugged my dad one last time and said my goodbyes.

"I love you daddy" I sniffed, blinking hard to get rid of the tears in my eyes.

"I love you too princess"

I slowly walked out the door, looking back so many times. I didn't want him to leave, I needed him here. Eventually he closed the front door and I turned around to be greeted by James, Jai and Luke.

"What's up?" Jai said, noticing I was upset.

"It's nothing, it's nothing honestly"

I didn't want them to make a fuss over me.

James, Jai and Luke walked slightly ahead of me, but when luke noticed that they were he stopped and waited for me.

"What's wrong Chelsea?" He asked.

I didn't respond, all I could think of was what will be waiting for me when I get home.

"Chelsea?" Luke said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Like I said It's nothing" I snapped slightly.

"You can trust me you know" he smiled, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"My dad's going away again today" I sighed.

He looked at me for a minute before pulling me in for a hug. It was a different type of hug though. We stood there in silence, in each others arms. This hug was a lot longer than any other hug with the boys.

"Oooooohhh" Jai said from further up ahead. Which caused us to stop hugging and continue walking.

By the time we had gotten to school I wasn't crying anymore, that hug with Luke helped me a lot.


After school Luke and Jai asked if I wanted to go back to their house, but I thought it would be better to go home. Obviously I wanted to go but Lorna wouldn't be happy and I can't fuck up or I'll get hurt.

I walked into the house, and ran up to my room as quick as I could. I lay on my bed patiently waiting for the front door to open and my step mums loud and harsh voice to fill the house.

When she finally came home, she didn't come up to my room like I was expecting. After a few hours Charlotte came in to tell me dinner was ready.

I stood up from my bed, and walked down the stairs swallowing my fear. I sat down opposite Charlotte and looked down at my plate. Lorna always does this, she will purposely makes food I don't like just to watch me suffer. She knew that I wouldn't eat what she had made which was just another excuse for her to get on at me.

I got up from my seat and started walking towards the stairs but I was pulled back by the ends of my hair. My step mum threw me to the floor and repeatedly kicked me in the stomach. The pain was unbearable. Charlotte stood there, watching her own mother abuse me. She looked genuinely shocked at what was happening.Once Lorna had gotten tired of kicking me she walked out the room and into her room which was down stairs. I tried to stand up but the pain was stopping me. I grabbed onto the kitchen counter and pulled myself up. My step sister just stood there and watched me, like her mother she hated me too.

I slowly climbed the stairs, gripping the banister for support. When I reached my room I walked into the bathroom locking the door behind me. Old habits crept up on me and I picked the the razor not caring about anything. I smashed the plastic razor against the floor so many times to try and get the blades out. I got too frustrated and eventually broke the plastic off. I held the metal blades in my hand and just stared at them. My stomach was still in excruciating pain, and the thought of having it done again pushed me over the edge.

I slid the sharp piece of metal along my wrist, it felt like all the pain I felt inside was flowing out of me just like the blood was. I dragged it across my arm until it was numb, cuts covering my whole arm but I really didn't care. She hurt me, so why don't I just hurt myself.

After sitting on the bathroom floor feeling sorry for myself for about three hours I finally managed to get up and rummage through the cabinet above my sink for a bandage. Once I had found one I wrapped up my whole arm, put on a hoodie and climbed into bed. It was just after 9 and my phone lit the room up.

* From Luke Brooks*

look outside your window:) xx

I climbed out of bed and walked over to the window, holding my stomach in pain. I saw Luke in the tree just opposite the window, he was smiling like mad. He told me to open the window, I done what he asked and he quietly climbed in.

"Hi" he said, smiling.

"What are you doing here luke?" I said, as quietly as I could.

"You seemed down, I wanted to cheer you up"

I smiled at what he said, he genuinely cared about me.

Before I could respond I heard my step mum shout me and Charlotte. I told Luke to stay where he was while I slowly opened my bedroom door and walked down the hall. Lorna who was dressed very fancy was stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm going out tonight, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon" she said, with in emotion in her voice.

Charlotte and I both nodded and returned back to our rooms. Finally I could breathe again, without her in the house I feel myself again.

Luke smiled at me again when I returned into my room, he was sat on my bed looking at the photo of me and my dad when I was a little girl. When I didn't have anything to worry about. He sat the photo down and lay down on my bed, I sat down next to him nit saying a word.

"Chels?" He asked.


"Does your step mum shout at you a lot?" He said, while turning onto his side to face me.

I shook my head while lying down next to him, he can't know what happens.

"Are you sure?" He really didn't believe me.

"I'm sure"

Luke stretched his arm out and hinted for me to get closer to him, as I moved over my stomach ached and so did my arm which I had forgotten about until now. He pulled me in towards him and I rested my head on his chest. It could have been a really awkward situation seeing as we aren't the closest of people but it was nice. We sat like this until Luke had to go. We both sat up and walked back to the window where he had first came in.

"Tonight was nice" he said, opening the window.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Chelsea i" he cut himself off before finishing his sentence.

"what is it?"

Luke didn't answer my question, instead he climbed back into my room and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. Not like the kiss before, this one had a lot of meaning. He took his lips off of mine and looked at me while smiling.

"I have to go" he laughed.

"Oh yeah, it's kind of late"

Luke climbed out of the window and onto the branch near it.

"Wait come here a second" he said, while holding onto the window frame.

I leant against the windowsill and got greeted by Luke's lips once again. He then quickly climbed down the tree and ran around the side of the house. I climbed back into bed, so many thoughts were racing around my head.

My phone lit up again.

*From Luke Brooks*

well, that was fun x


I got up for school, my body still aching. After getting changed into my school uniform, brushing my teeth and sorting my bag it was already time for me to leave. The pain was so bad it took me twice as long to get ready compared to normal.

My step mum still wasn't home from last night, which was a good thing. I made my way down the stairs, holding onto my stomach in pain. Before I left the house I made sure my bandage wasn't visible, I tried my best to not show any pain in my face and I walked outside. James Jai and Luke have started regularly waiting out front for me.

I walked up to them and smiled as best as I could.

"H-Hi guys" the pain is killing me.

"Hello" James smiled, that smile lights up my world.

"Why didn't you call me back last night?" James added.

"Oh um.. I?"

Luke smirked at me, remembering the results of last night.

"You forgot didn't you?" He laughed.

"Yeah James, I forgot" I nodded.

Luke was walking next to me, laughing at me 'forgetting' to phone James back.

I was walking a lot slower than usual and the boys started to notice. I tried to pick up my pace but it just hurt ten times more.

"Are you okay?" Jai said, putting his hand on my back as I leant forward in pain.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good" I replied, standing up straight again.

"You don't seem it chels?" Luke added, looking concerned.

"I'm fine" I snapped.

I really didn't mean to snap at the boys, but I'm under a lot of stress and I'm in agony and no one knows about it. No one knows the struggles I go through the pain I'm made to suffer. Everything happens behind closed doors.

We got to school just as the bell was going, we all made it too our first period class on time. Thankfully.


The school day passed by in a blur due to the pain I was in, I wasn't able to concentrate or even think.

The only thing I actually remember talking about in class was the English Project we have to do in partners. Luke offered to go with me so I accepted. We have to write a short play together for next week. I still feel guilty for snapping at the boys earlier, I've apologised over and over so I really hope they didn't take it too harshly.

By the time I got home Lorna was back, she seemed pretty calm for now. I went up to my room and into my bathroom, locking the door behind me. I rolled up my sleeve to reveal the bandage covering my whole arm. I carefully took it off, seeing what I done to myself made me feel extremely guilty. Before I had time to think deeply about what I had done, I took a new bandage from the cabinet and wrapped it around my arm.

I made my way back through to my room and sat down on my bed, staring blankly at the wall.

I'm slowly falling apart.


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