12 | the typical mafia men problem

Start from the beginning

"I am aware, Ares." His tone was hard with finality. He made it obvious he didn't want to talk about this topic.

Unfortunately, my mouth has other ideas.

"Why didn't you see her yet?"

Ace pierced his green eyes into mine, making me shuffle on my feet though I tried to be discreet about it.

"Why didn't you?" He threw my words right back to me.

I asked about you, not me. I wanted to snap but I bit my tongue. I was fumbling for some reason.

"Be down in fifteen." He repeated and walked away before I could say anything else which is probably a good idea. Even after he was gone I could feel the luring deathly aura he left behind. One of his gifts as a Don.

It's fucking hilarious how Ace and Alex are the most powerful men of the underground world and I'm a crazy and raging killing machine yet when we're faced with problems that involved feelings we run away from it like the true fucking cowards we are deep down.

How it is possible for one to face and cause so many death and blood but yet halt at a glimpse of real emotions.

The typical mafia men problem.

I needed a cigarette and perhaps I can sneak in a quick smoke before the family meeting. I went to my room to grab a pack and then to the balcony outside my room. It was eight in the afternoon and it was dark already. The stars were out tonight but I spared them no glance. Lighting a cigarette, I inhaled and held the smoke in for a few seconds before letting go. My throat burned slightly and I focused on it. Anything else than my little sister and my damned emotions that came with her.

There was a shuffle behind me, alarming me before my twin came to stand beside me. He didn't speak, just leaned his back on the railing and his forearms were resting on it. He let his neck bend and looked up at the stars above us. A look of contentment was on his face.

We stood peacefully in silence for a few minutes until I broke it.

"How's she?" I asked in Italian as I blew out another hit. A full-blown smile crept into Apollo's face at the question.

"She spoke and even smiled a little once."

I snapped my head at him. "What?" I breathed. I thought it would take a lot more time to coax a reaction out of her. I didn't expect this but it was the fucking best surprise I've gotten in my life.

He nodded and chuckled. "Apparently, our sorellina loves cats."

I raised my eyebrows. He explained to me how her interest was piqued when he mentioned how Noah got his cat, about her childhood cat and how Ace found out about it. I stared at him, half believing him and the other side didn't. Ace was an extremely busy man, especially recently after all of the shit that had gone down. The fact he found the time to track down a cat proves how much he loved Ariana.

"How did he get the cat? Did Ace pay for it?"

Amusement entered Apollo's features. "Nope, you won't believe this. Salvo told me Alex snuck into a kid's room and snatched Pumpkin."

I stared at him in disbelief for a full minute before bursting into laughter. He joined in. We laughed and laughed nonstop until we couldn't breathe and our faces were beet red.

"Jesus. Alex?" I let out a choking sound. The thought of our emotionless big bad brother who works in the Mafia kidnapping a fucking cat from a kid made me lose my shit.

He nodded amused, still catching his breath. "Poor kid." He shook his head and snickered.

"Who the fuck cares?" I scoffed. "I hate children."

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