Am I Going Crazy?

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"Oh, great," You mumbled.

"Y/N," Techno greeted.

"Can we borrow Y/N for a second?" Tommy asked.

"Sure..." Dream spoke, hesitantly.

You walked over to them. "What?"

"Y/N, you have to come back with us!" Tommy whisper-shouted.

"Sorry, but no."

You started to feel dizzy. It was probably nothing. Tommy really hated Dream. Dream had done some messed up things to him, but Dream had always hated Tommy. Tommy has done stuff to Dream also. No one is innocent in this story. This story isn't a fairytale either. You assumed that you were just tired, but your head started pounding.

"Hey, I need to go over to Dream, I'm not feeling very well," You sighed, walking lopsided.

"Y/N, are you ok?" Purpled questioned. 

Everyone looked concerned. "Y/N?" Dream's voice echoed.

You knew what was happening as soon as you saw a familiar swirl. Karl said that he would stop. You trusted him.. You and Sapnap were starting to get along, at least a bit. Why would he do this to you? Is this just some sick game to him?

You teleported into a familiar place. You sighed and waited for some corrupted version of Dream to show up. As you looked around, you realized that you were in L'Manberg. You were standing just outside of Wilbur's cabin in the pouring rain. You were getting soaked, so you entered the cabin. You remembered this place. But it got blown up with L'Manberg...

It had been a while since you were last here. There were picture frames containing pictures of you and Wilbur in them. You spotted a few that had pictures of Wilbur and his brothers, along with some other pictures taken in L'Manberg. One of the frames was face down, as if Wilbur didn't want anyone to see it.

You flipped it over, and you gasped at what you saw. It was a picture of Wilbur, Tommy, and Dream. They were smiling and laughing. They were happy... And Dream had his mask halfway up. It must have been taken during the original SMP. You weren't there for long. That's why you never met Dream in that time.

As you snooped further, you saw your bed, and some of your and Wilbur's belongings. This was the place where you lived with Wilbur. Sometimes you would sleep in the van with Tommy and Tubbo for fun, but this was your house inside of L'Manberg. Sometimes you miss it. It does feel more welcoming than a prison.

You jumped as someone's large hand touched your shoulder. With a small gasp, you turned around to see the tall figure of Wilbur. You noticed that he didn't have his white streak in his hair. It's his look from L'Manberg. He still had his brown curly hair, but he wore a similar outfit with his beanie.

"Wilbur?" You whispered.

What was everyone back home thinking about this?

"Ah, hello love. You got home awfully late," Wilbur spoke, calmly.

Where was he? Where was the evil version of Dream? That's what Karl wants. He wants to show you everything bad about Dream. Why were you with Wilbur? Maybe Dream would come later on. 

"I've got to go."

You wanted to know what was happening.

"Come on, darling, let's get some rest."

"Wilbur, I'm sorry, I don't love you."

"What? We're married..."

"Um what."

"Y/N, are you feeling ok?" Wilbur asked, clearly confused.

"Where is Dream?" You demanded, tears streaming down your face.

"Oh, my love... He's dead. I killed him..."

"What? When?"

"He tried to ruin our wedding. I got rid of him, and we ended up redoing the wedding and properly getting married," Wilbur explained.

"What is wrong with you?" You yelled.

You heard Wilbur's voice in your ear. But it wasn't from the Wilbur in front of you. It was from present-time Wilbur. He was haunting you. You just wanted to go back to Dream. Why would Karl do this?

"See how perfect we'd be?" Wilbur's voice echoed.

"Shut up. L'Manberg's gone and you know it," You whispered in anger.

"Oh do we need a change of scenery?" Wilbur snickered.

There was another swirl, and you were suddenly standing in front of Wilbur. He had the streak of white in his hair. Wilbur put his hand on your face. You glanced at your hand to see a ring. You wanted to scream.

"Y/N," Wilbur's voice spoke.

"Get away from me," You attempted to whisper.

Nothing came out of your mouth.

You found yourself smiling at Wilbur's soft gaze.

After this, there were more swirls. It was similar to what Karl did before. But it was endless realities where you were happily dating Wilbur, or realities where you were married to him. It was finally over, and you found yourself back at home.

You were in front of Pandora's Vault like before, and everyone was around you. "Y/N! Darling, are you alright?" Dream spoke, helping you up.

You gently pushed Dream out of the way and marched over to Wilbur. "What was that?!" You demanded. 

"What are you talking about?" Wilbur spoke innocently, holding back a smirk.

"Y/N, has all this time locked up in Dream's vault driven you crazy?" Wilbur asked.

"I'm not crazy! He used Karl's powers, I swear!"

"Y/N-" Dream started.

"Maybe she should come back with us."

You quickly pulled out your phone.


Quackity, I have an issue. What's Karl's phone number?

Quackity :)

Here, I just sent you the contact info. Is everything ok, mi amor?

Read at 6:00 P.M.

Quackity :)

Did you just leave me on read?

You quickly messaged Karl. You asked him to meet you at Pandora's Vault. 

Karl Jacobs

Turn around.

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