Foolish's Domain

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Hey, how is everyone's day going? I hope your 2022 has been well so far!

I know a lot of you are on wattpad for fanfictions lol, but if you get a chance make sure to check out some of my original in-progress books such as "Blue Eyes" and "Nightwatcher". I also write Marvel fanfics.

Ty! Have a great day! Let's get on with the story<3

You turned around to see a man walk from between two buildings, a light shining on him. He also appeared to be around 20 ft tall, but he did the same exact transformation that XD did. He shrunk down to a tall but decently normal height.

The journey here had already taken forever, so you noticed the sun coming up. The light from that and the man in front of you almost blinded you. He almost looked like he was made of pure gold. 

The man saw your struggles to see him and laughed. "My bad," He spoke, undergoing another transformation.

You now saw a man with messy brown hair and green eyes that glowed brighter than Dream's. This man's eyes looked less natural. He also wore a... shark costume? He had traces of gold scattered across his legs, arm, and face. There was even a small gold streak in his hair.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Foolish," He said, giving a bright smile.

"I'm Y/N," You said, shaking his hand.

As the place around you got brighter, you saw the many temples and giant buildings. You even got to see the XD statue in more detail. Foolish had built all of these, hadn't he? You had heard that he's the best builder anyone knows of around here.

Sand crunched beneath your feet as you took a step back. XD was standing beside you, and you looked at Foolish in confusion. Why did he have gold on him? Why did he have an extra transformation? Why did he have a shark costume?

Maybe XD was right. You do have a lot of questions. But who could blame you? You were standing by a god, and whatever Foolish is.

"I'm really confused, Foolish. Are you like a god? Are you like alive golden statue that likes sharks?" You said, laughing.

You even caught a glimpse of gray on his skin.

Foolish laughed along with you. "I'm a demi-god. XD and I are both immortal, but he's a full god. I am also a totem. I've been both a totem of death and undying. But a lot of demi-gods fuse with something else. In my case, that's a shark. So I'm a shark-totem I suppose? Both of them are apart of me. XD and I have human-size forms," He explained.

"I may not look it, but I've been around for a while. I just take the form of a younger man," Foolish added.

"He mainly has the immortal part from me," XD said in pride.

"That's intresting," You spoke, taking all of the information in.

"Yeah, it's complicated. What brings you here Y/N?"

You went inside one of the buildings after Foolish opened the door and the three of you took a seat. Foolish handed you a glass of water and awaited your answer. XD knew exactly what you were going to say.

"Well, your friend XD actually is the reason I'm here," You responded, shooting XD a glance.

Foolish raised his gold and grey eyebrow and turned to XD. "Is this true?"

"Yes, may I speak to you in private, Foolish?" His deep voice requested.

Foolish nodded and started to walk into the other room. "My apologies, Y/N. We'll be right back."

You tiptoed closer to the room they were speaking in. Maybe you could hear some of what they were saying. It had to do with you, so it was only fair. There had to be a reason that you were brought here.

"Gods can claim humans!" XD's voice roared.

"Keep your voice down. I'm pretty sure they can't!"

"I basically claimed you!"

"That's different, I'm a demi-god! She's a mortal!"

You had missed some parts of their conversation.

"Plus, I think she would be the perfect fit for one of the books. Her so-called friend already has the revive book," XD spoke.

"You can't just hand the books out like that. The revive book is already in the wrong hands. And you told me that there are only two that you remember well, correct?" Foolish said.

"Sort of. I know of the death note book, and I'm not allowed to reveal the third book."

"So helpful, XD. Why would you randomly trust this girl with a death note? Or the other book?" Foolish asked.

"Don't get me wrong, she's a nice woman-"

"Because, I need a favor from her. She'd do it. I trust her. And I'm telling you that gods are aloud to claim humans! Of course there's a limit on how many you can-"

"Whatever," Foolish said, rolling his eyes.

You heard their footsteps come closer and you hurried back to your seat. The two men walked out of the storage room they were talking in. They found you sitting in your seat, but XD felt off. He stared you down and started to read your mind.

He knew that you heard him, but he wasn't going to tell Foolish just yet. XD would handle you himself. Foolish is one of his closest friends, but sometimes he really is just wrong. He's nothing compared to XD.

"Hey!" You exclaimed.

"Hey, Y/N!" Foolish said.

"Hello," XD said, glaring at you with a death stare.

"After the three of us are done talking, I'd like to have a word with you, Y/N," XD spoke.

This is a long one lol. Not everyone knows about the "book lore" but Dream and Foolish mentioned it on one of their streams. I just heard about it on the internet, but it's cannon to the storyline.

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