Fake Love

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"Do you show your love with violence?" Punz laughed. He knew you were talking about him. You put your tray on the table.

"I'd rather not share."

"Do I know this mystery man?"

"Well he is one of the two people in this room currently. And he isn't me," You smiled.

Punz must be one to easily fall for tricks. He trusted you very quickly, and returned your flirting. That's quite intresting. Punz didn't generally seem to be a bad person, but he seemed to switch sides quickly, commonly for more money.

"I wonder who it could be," He smirked.

You put his hand in yours and looked up at him with the most innocent face you could possibly manage. Hopefully his type was girls with H/C hair and E/C eyes. You laughed to yourself. Your plan seemed to be working. You hoped he didn't fall for you that hard, because you didn't feel like breaking his heart.

"I think you know. This whole revive book situation can't control my feelings." You could tell that you were making him nervous, but Punz appeared stronger on the outside. You could see that he was blushing, as much as he tried to hide it.

"God, you're so pretty. I'm sorry, I really just thought you loved Dream," Punz blushed.

You didn't realize that you were actually good at flirting. You were a little too good.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I have to keep working with him. I'm sure you want to work with us now. Maybe we could date in private, dove?"

"Sure thing." 

"Is there cameras in here?" You questioned.

"I don't know."

Punz started to lean in, as you did slightly. That's when the door bursted open to reveal a very angry and masked Dream. You and Punz broke apart in shock, and Dream was out of breath, angrily looking at you and Punz.

"Uh oh. I think there are cameras," Punz whispered.

"Y/N! What the hell, Punz?" Dream yelled.

"It's not that I don't want to keep working with you, but Y/N loves me!" Punz retorted.

"She loves me, you better learn what's yours, Punz. Get out! Or else I'll take away your payment, and maybe I'll kill you too," Dream threatened.

Punz gulped, and with once last look at you he ran out of your room. "Ah, I really can control everyone," Dream smiled.

You feared for your life what was about to happen next. Maybe this plan wasn't a great idea, besides the fact that you had a new useful friendship. Hopefully it would pay off, or maybe Dream would just make your life miserable.

"What was that?" Dream demanded.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, attempting to play dumb. It wasn't going to work, but it was worth a try.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about," Dream spoke, starting to corner you. 

He was blocking any way you could have moved. Dream pulled his mask up to reveal his lips and gave you a threatening glare. He threw his mask onto your bed, and he was up in your face, your noses touching. "You know you love me."

You started to sweat. "I-I-like P-Punz," You lied.

"Say it," He ordered.



You shook and continued to ignore him, but he gave you a quick kiss and you couldn't stop it. But you didn't mind it either.

"Come on, say it."

"I love you," You stuttered.

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