Misunderstood Feelings

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This chapter is leading off of Epilogue 2 in Book 1 A Crashed Wedding

The prison alarms were going off and you were still tied to a chair in a room with flashing on and off red lights. One of Dream's masks was tied on your face. You couldn't use your hands to take it off. You had no method of self defense or any of your things. There was nothing to do about the situation.

Alarms rang in your ear as you struggled against the rope. There was only one thing you could do, and that was to wait. You would get an escape plan figured out soon enough. This gave you bad memories of the first time you met Dream and your fight with Wilbur when you visited L'Manberg.

Dream was a unique and manipulative person. He was also very possessive. The others would describe him as sick and crazy, a psychopath even. But they should also consider Wilbur a psycho then... Maybe they did...

But he had a horrible childhood, and Wilbur and Tommy had betrayed his trust. His background had caused him to want to be so in control... The power and pressure just consumed him. Dream had told you about everything that his dad did, and how Wilbur and Tommy has left him. Like you had said before, he's like a switch. Not everyone can control that.

What he's doing isn't ok, but you still loved him. You would have thought differently when you first met him, but somehow, you had fallen for him. The guilt of betraying Wilbur's love still remained heavy in your chest. He was dead now... But he had also became manipulative. Your brother, Schlatt, was driving him crazy. All of the stress...

No one is ever truly evil...

At least that's what you told yourself. Maybe you were letting yourself get manipulated and maybe you were even going crazy. But no one besides you, Sapnap, and George really knew about Dream's past. He had even admitted that he told you more than them.

But he was locked in a prison for a long time. That probably drove him even more crazy. You let him go into the prison because you thought it would help him. The hope was that he lost his manipulative ways and became a better person. According to those who had visisted him, that hope didn't seem very likely.

You almost had a heart attack when you heard the loud clatter of a boot walking your way and the dragging of an axe on the ground. Dream had made you a promise also... That he would come for you... He would find you and take his revenge. And so he did...

You saw the masked man enter the room.

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