An Unexpected Meeting

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Happy Valentine's Day<3

"I'm not just going to forget about Clay, no matter how hard you try."

Sapnap looked at you, making a long period of eye contact. It wasn't that odd that you used Dream's real name. He had called Dream by his real name many times, but it was mostly when they were best friends.

You had often referred to Dream as Clay ever since the two of you began to grow close again. Most people would shame you for still loving him, but it was impossible not to. He'd sacrifice the world for you. Deep down, he cared. If you listened to him enough, he'd be his true self. Dream's just misunderstood, right?

You weren't going to think about this right now. You knew that you loved Dream, and there was no questioning that. Every part of you missed him. You missed his smile, his laugh, and you even missed his overprotective self. If Sapnap killed him, you would kill Sapnap. And you'd find a way to kill XD too.

"You will if you never see him again," Sapnap replied.

"But I will."

Sapnap just laughed. "We'll see about that."

"I'll be back," Sapnap spoke, leaving the room. 

As his footsteps got further away, you tiptoed over to the door. There was no way he didn't lock it. But when you turned the knob, it opened. It reminded you of the mistake Dream made when he had taken you over a year ago. He had left you alone and had forgotten to lock the door. You thought it would make for the best escape plan, but he caught you.

Hopefully Sapnap didn't learn from that. In fact, you hoped he forgot about it.

You stepped out of the doorway, walking around the halls of Sapnap's base. This place seemed like it could be a challenge to escape depending on where XD is. If he's around here, he could hear you. And you realy didn't want to get on XD's bad side at the moment. You climbed up a ladder that was further down the hall, and you found yourself in a small house aboveground.

You saw light and walked through the door and finally saw grass around you. But soon after, you heard shouting and loud footsteps. Sapnap had defintely noticed that you were gone. In panic, you looked around for somewhere to go. But where? Maybe Pandora's Vault? That's where Dream was supposed to be.

And to be completely honest, you weren't sure if you knew where it was. You took a deep breath. Sapnap was going to catch you, and he was going to be angry. It wasn't going to be good at all. You felt large hands clamp onto your shoulders.

You turned around to see... Wilbur?

His cuts seemed to be healed, and his curly brown hair was done nicely once again. Wilbur gave you a soft smile. He didn't seem to be as aggresive as last time. You were frozen in place. "Wilbur?"

"My sweet Y/N... I am so sorry. For everything. Please, let me lead you to Pandora's Vault if that's where you wish to go."

"Will... thank you. I would like to go to Pandora's Vault if you're willing to escort me there."

"Very well. We should get a move on, Sapnap's coming," Wilbur smiled.

He grabbed your hand and the two of you started running.

It was just like old times...

Except you were running to the new love of your life, Dream.

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