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Happy Birthday Punzzzz<3

As you were on your way back, you felt a vine wrap around your ankle. "What the-" You shrieked.

You looked down to see a blood vine dragging you backwards. You didn't have time to deal with this. The vine that was shades of red started to dig into your skin, and you felt the same dizzy feeling you felt before. That feeling where something was starting to take control of you. After minutes of struggling, you finally broke free.

You started to run as fast as you could.

The vines had really cut your skin, and you hissed in pain, seeing the vine slowly making it's way toward you once again. As you went to open the door, it was locked. Just great. You started to bang on the door, stressing out. You really needed Dream or Punz to answer the door, you didn't know what would happen if they didn't.

You fell into Punz's arms as he opened the door, shutting it and locking it. "Woah! Woah! What's wrong? You have blood on you!" Punz cried.

"The vines..." You gasped, out of breath.

Punz quickly opened the door to the dining room, and Dream rushed out, lightly pushing Punz aside so he could get to you. Punz ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair and looked at you, worried.

"Darling? What happened?"

He put a hand on either side of your face. "You have blood on you, and you're covered in cuts."

"The blood vines, Clay. They grabbed onto me. That's half-responsible for it. And before that, Quackity dragged me into the forest, insisting that I have to tell him where you are so he can kill you. He let me go for now, but..." You explained, shivering.

"Oh, my love. I'm going to kill that stupid man. I'm so sorry. Sit down."

"Who even names themselves after a duck anyways?" Dream muttered, in anger.

You sat down on the chair, and Dream rushed into a different room to grab supplies. He returned and gave you proper medical treatment, and even more bandages. He made sure you had some more of his oversized clothes that didn't have blood on them, and he sat you down at the dining table with Punz, handing both of you a fresh meal after you got a shower in his room.

In a rush, Dream sat down beside you. "Is there anything else you need, my love?" Dream asked.

"No, but thank you. You've done so much for me... I love you, Clay."

You meant it.

"I love you too. Does my food taste good?" Dream smiled, as you and Punz took a bite.

"Defintely," You laughed.

"I'll say that it's ok," Punz joked.

Dream gave him a death stare.

After the three of you were done eating, you walked back to Dream's room, as he supported you as you were limping a bit. You really think he's changing for good, at least you hope. You were at the point where you could put your full trust in him.

As you sat down on his bed, he combed through your hair and he blushed. "Clay, let me fix me own hair," You complained with a giggle.

"I know you can do it, but I want to do it for you," Dream smiled.

"Whatever," You laughed.

Once he was done, you collapsed onto his bed. "That was an eventful day," You sighed.

He layed next to you. "Defintely. Goodnight, darling."

"Night," You mumbled, falling asleep and rolling over to your other side.

You were back home.

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