Caught in Escape

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You opened the window, grabbing rope from the storage boxes. You didn't want Dream to find out about George incase something negative came of it. You also didn't want him to know about Wilbur or the death note. You just left him a simple note on your bed that read, "I'm visiting Niki for a bit, I'll be back soon. I love you."

George suggested to grab a backpack to put the Death Note in, which you did, throwing it over your shoulders. Rope was tied to a stable base, and it dangled down from the top of the window to the ground.

"Ladies first," George teased.

You rolled your eyes and quickly climbed down the rope, seeing that the men were coming closer. Hopefully, they wouldn't be a threat or a problem. George and you were dealing with enough at the moment. George climbed down the rope after you, and you helped him to his feet when he reached the cold ground.

He let go of your hand with a thank you, as you walked closer to the men who were climbing off of their horses. You could only see tall figures, the darkness covering who they actually were. Would they be friendly?

"Who are you?" You asked, pointing your sword at them.

A flame appeared in one of the men's hands. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," a familar voice threatened.

"Sap?" You gasped.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, their figures becoming mroe visible in the light as Sapnap attacked you with a big hug, Techno soon joining in.

"George?" Sapnap questioned, backing away from you.




"Such a happy reunion," Techno spoke, sarcastically.

"Why are you guys here?" You asked.

"Well, we wanted to visit you, and Sapnap also showed some embarrasing photos and videos of you and Dream," Karl giggled.

"Thanks so much Sapnap," You responded, rolling your eyes.

"You're welcome," He winked.

"Why did you guys climb down from the window with a rope? Y/N, aren't you and Dream together or something?" Sapnap questioned.

"I'm sure you've heard that Wilbur hasn't quite been himself, and that he's revived. Well, he's after me."


"I think I see that," Sapnap stuttered.

You turned around to see Wilbur behind the five of you. "Uh oh."

"I guess getting rid of the tracker didn't work?" George joked, nervously.

"I guess not."

Wilbur walked toward you with a smirk, knowing that they would loose the fight against him and you would come with him. You would agree to come with him, he wouldn't exactly take you like Dream did. He knew that you would be the type of person to make a sacrifice, although he wasn't really going to give you much of an option.

Everyone broke out into battle,  and Techno was getting he most hits on Wilbur. That made Wilbur realize that he needed to get rid of Techno.

He pulled out a taser from his pouch, and zapped Techno harshly as he hit the ground. George, Sapnap, and Karl were wounded after more fighting. You knew that they were strong and stood a chance if Wilbur didn't keep tasing them.

Plus, they were all about to stand right up until they felt the ground shaking. "What's going on, Wilbur?" You demanded.

"I have TNT planted under here, and if you don't come with me, your friends will die."

You looked at them lying on the ground.

"We'll be ok!" George insisted.

"Technoblade never dies, we can take it," Techno announced in pride.

"I'll come," You said, looking at Wilbur sadly.

He smirked and walked off with you beside him. "The best part is that you came willingly. You didn't even put up a fight. You do listen to me still, my love," Wilbur smiled, wrapping an arm around you as you looked at him in disgust.

"Even try and yell for Dream, and I'll blow his house and your friends up without hesitation," Wilbur threatened.

You nodded as he put his hand in yours as you struggled against his grip. "Am I not aloud to enjoy a lovely walk with my fiancée?" 

You froze at Wilbur's words, but stayed strong as he grabbed your weapon from you, placing it in his bag. "I was your fiancée a long time ago. I'm not anymore."

"You still wear your ring."

You looked down at the two rings on your ringer. One had a green gem and the other had a smoky quartz gem. 

"I just like how it looks, that's all."

"Sure, love, sure."

"You know that you still love me."

"I love Dream."

"You would have said the opposite some time ago. Remember when you hated Dream and you left me for him?"

"Remember when you went insane? Oh right, that's now, Will."

"You still call me Will."

"Shut up."


"I said to shut up!"

"Be quiet," Wilbur hissed, walking you into a cave after walking for some time.

You saw rope on the ground and sighed. "Not again."

"Don't worry, it's only if you go against your word."

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