Bad News

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Happy New Year's Eve :) This chapter has major events mentioned from the prison break lore.


Philza, Technoblade, and Tommy stood in front of you as you were tazed. You were shaking, and it had zapped you pretty hard. "Why won't she stop shaking? And what was that zap?" Tommy questioned.

With a sigh, Phil crouched down to your level. "Someone tazed her. And they must have put a chip on her that is connected to a taser of some sort, because none of us did it, so someone must have pushed a button from farther away," He explained.

You couldn't respond to them, but you heard their conversation fully. The only people that you had been around aside from the them were Dream and Wilbur. Dream had to do it. Wilbur was on your side, and Dream was trying to make sure you stayed with him at all costs. Wilbur would never do such a thing.

"It had to be Wilbur or Dream," Techno spoke, looking at his brother and father.

Tommy crossed his arms and looked down at you. "I think it was Wilbur. Y/N said that he wanted her back by sunset, and she was tazed right after the sun went down." Philza and Techno seemed to agree with his statement.

And at that moment, you realized that Tommy was right.

After a while, the shaking had stopped, and you had gotten to your feet. Wilbur must be looking for you. You wouldn't be suprised if he was here right now. "Techno," You said, entering the room the boys were in.

"Y/N? You're back," Techno said.

"Before we discuss the Wilbur situation, I need to know something," You said, taking a deep breath.

"Go ahead."

"Where's Ranboo?" You asked.

Techno froze and looked down at the ground. You could have sworn you saw tears forming in his eyes. The room was silent and you stared into Techno's eyes in sadness. You almost knew what the response was going to be.

"He's gone..." Techno sighed, almost choking on his own tears.

You walked him back to the couch as he started sobbing, letting him put his head onto your chest, wrapping your arms around him. He hugged you tightly and then looked into your eyes. "It's all my fault..." You shook your head.

"It's not your fault, Tech. Maybe Dream could bring him back?"

"As if you could convince him. Plus, I don't want you putting yourself at risk talking to him," Techno said.

"As long as you can keep Wilbur away from me, I'll try and get on Dream's good side. Maybe then, Ranboo will come back to us. I've realized that Tommy's right, so maybe I just shouldn't go back to Wilbur.

You were still unaware that Wilbur could track your location...

"Y/N, I don't want you to go through that again," Techno frowned.

"I'll be fine. I love you, Tech," You smiled, wiping a tear from your face.

"I love you too, Y/N."

Even after all of the horrible events, Techno was still your best friend. And even though you had to sneak past Philza and Tommy, you would go back to Dream, willingly this time. You had to get Ranboo back.

Tommy still had't spoken of how Dream had been tormenting him while you had escaped...

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