Wilbur's Changed

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"If you let Clay out with me," You replied.

"I'm going to have to say no on that one."

"Then I'll stay here."

Wilbur ignored you, and opened the cell door. He grabbed you, shutting it on Dream and making sure it was locked. Dream looked at you in sadness. He was upset that he wouldn't be with you, but he was glad that you weren't going to be stuck in this cell. But he feared what torture Wilbur would put you through.

As you looked at Dream longingly, Wilbur pulled you upstairs, Tommy following behind the two of you. You struggled against Wilbur, kicking his leg, as cuts opened up on his skin. He had a large bruise on his leg from your constant resilience. At least you left a mark to show that you were done with him.

When he saved you from Sapnap, you truly believed that he was sorry. And if he was truly sorry somehow, he really needed to work on letting people live their life even if it's not under his command. You didn't love Wilbur anymore, but he seemed to not understand that. And even if you did love him, which you don't, he still shouldn't be able to control you like that. It wasn't normal.

"Bring me back to Clay," You demanded.

As you were practically forced onto the couch, Wilbur stood in front of the fireplace, his little brother next to him trying to stand to be as tall as Wilbur. Tommy was younger than all of you, and he wanted to be just like his brothers. But his two brothers were very different men. He even wanted to be like his father, Phil.

Techno is loyal, strong, combat-skilled, fierce, and overprotective. He can be easily pressured though, and he doesn't show it, but he can be extremely nervous. He's always worried about those he loves, and he will get extremely angry and violent if those people are harmed in any way.

Wilbur is arrogant, self-centered, jealous, possessive, and stealthy. The pressure of L'Manberg and being dead for years in Death Realm time has driven him insane. He used to be thoughtful, sweet, gentle, and everything you could have wanted. You wanted that Wilbur back. But he was never coming back, so you moved on.

Phil is a good leader, intelligent, loyal, and an amazing friend. He's an amazing father and he will take any risk to save you. He's the angel of death, but he would not take your death lightly. He seems to try his best to stay peaceful, but he will commonly follow the leadership of his son, Techno.

Thinking about the qualities of those three, you started to think about Dream. He was violent and aggresive, but he could be so thoughtful and gentle when he wants to. He can be possessive and manipulative, but he truly has two sides. It's hard to predict his mood, but you still loved him through all of it.

And Wilbur was trying to take him away from you.

You snapped back into reality. "Why should I do that?" Wilbur questioned, wearing a smirk and laughing at his own comment.

"I thought you were forever in his debt."

"I was until he refused to hand you over."

"Clay can't just hand me over. I don't belong to either one of you, but I am dating Dream," You retorted.

"I'll tell Karl where you are."

"If you loved me, why would you do that?"

"Karl can show or trick you into anything I want. I think you can see where I'm going," Wilbur smirked.

"Oh I do, and it's not going to happen."

You rushed up to your room in Techno's house, searching through the wardrobe that Techno left in the room. You found black combat boots that made you slightly taller, and you put on a black combat outfit.  You combed your hair back neatly.  Grabbing a backpack full of important items, you climbed out of the window, rushing to the shed that contained stairs down to the dungeon.

Dream looked at you in suprise, and his face went red. Did he think you looked good or something?

"Come on, we don't have all day," You teased.

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