Comforting Dream

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"You have no idea what Karl showed me..."

"Help me understand."

"I woke up in the middle of the night, a little bit ago. I had this horrible gut feeling that something was wrong, and then I noticed that you were missing. I called out your name, and there was nothing, until someone grabbed me. It was you, but it also wasn't you. It was an altered crazy version of you that Karl showed me. You wanted to have control over me, and you were locking me up..."

"Did he do this before?"

"Yes... When he took me on a little time-traveling trip before, I was stuck in months and months of being trapped with evil versions of you. They were like when we first met but 100 times worse," You explained.

"That's what they think I am. A monster..."

"I just... I don't want to come off the way I do, but I just have this idea in my head, you know? I think I have to be more powerful than everyone else. Everyone here hates me," Dream sighed. Was Dream... about to cry?

"I don't hate you, I love you."

"Maybe Punz is ok with me, but there's no one else."

"They suck, you don't need them. Plus, not all of them hate you."

"I'm a monster, I'm a murderer..."

You held onto Dream tightly, and you were starting to tear up while seeing him beat himself up. 

"Karl and Sapnap want to kill me because of my actions... I deserve it..."

"I just can't stop being the way I am... When I was beating Sam up, I know that I had this rage inside of me. I have this confidence in my overpowering personality, and sometimes having a personality like that isn't that bad. But I take it too far. I get violent..." Dream sobbed, holding onto you.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. You did bad things in the past, and so did I. Everyone has. Put those bad things behind you. I'll love you no matter what. You're not a terrible person. I love you for the kindness and true care you show for me. You've protected me, and you've done everything without me. I wouldn't even be alive without you."

"But what about my manipulating? I just... find it too easy, and I just do it."

"You don't anymore, unelss it's necessary. Don't think badly of yourself because of Karl's tricks. He's showing evil versions of you, not the real you."

"I killed people. Lazarbeam, Vikkstar, I could go on..."

"I forgive you, Clay. It's ok, come here."

You hugged Dream the tightest you could, squeezing his hand gently after you pulled away.

"Y/N, thank you. I-I I just can't."

Dream ran away to an unfamilar room. The poor guy. Why did everyone consider him crazy? You were wrong to ever think that way. So many people thought that about him. You believed that he truly loved you, and that he wasn't manipulating you. Tommy, Sapnap, Karl, and more people think otherwise, but they don't matter in this situation.

Only you and Dream matter.

You didn't care if it was you and him against the world.

Of course, you still cared for other people like Niki, Techno, and even George, although you were upset that he was siding with Sapnap. You missed Foolish, and you really missed the times where you and XD were close...

Where was he now? Did he forget about you? Did he give up on you? You had broken his heart, and you felt terrible. But Dream had your heart first, and he couldn't handle just being friends. You hoped that Foolish and XD were ok.

And you sure hoped that XD, Sapnap, and Karl weren't after you.

The sunrise was starting, and you decided to sit outside of the prison for a minute. That's when Quackity started to walk toward you.

You panicked at first, but at least he was unarmed...

a masked sunrise✓On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara