Deals With an Enemy

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"Quackity, you better stay back. I'm not going to go easy on you this time," You threatened.

"You look pretty, why were you crying, mi amor?"

You slapped him across the face. Finally, someone who wasn't massively taller than you. He had a scar across his face, and he was still wearing his white shirt with suspenders, along with his signature beanie. His black hair was nicely combed back, and even as he got closer, there was no weapon visible in his hands.

Quackity was getting way too close for your liking. When was he ever going to realize that you have boyfriend? He held a red rose in his hand, and handed it to you. You barely even reacted, and no blush was visible on your face.

"Thanks," You smiled.

"I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I still have a boyfriend."

Quackity crossed his arms. "Does it look like I care?"

"If you're here for Dream, I'm not letting you have him."

"I'm not here for Dream, I'm here to speak to you."

"What do you want with me?" You retorted.

"Chill out, Y/N. Do you think someone who just gave you a rose is going to hurt you?" Quackity questioned.


"Shh. Anyways, I heard that you're having a little issue with Karl and Sapnap, is that correct?"

"Yes, but why would you help me? You despise Dream and you are very close with Karl and Sapnap."

"I was very close with Karl. But he betrayed me, and I'm not quite over that. So, I'm willing to help you with your issues," Quackity explained.

"How do I know this isn't a trick to get to Dream?"

"Just trust me, mi amor."

He handed you a box of chocolates. "Is that more convincing?"

You ignored him, starting to walk off with him. But you paused. What would Dream think if you just left? He was already very upset, and he would think that you hated him. And even worse, he would probably think that you liked Quackity, one of his worst enemies, better than him. That would crush Dream.

"Quackity, wait. I can't go yet. I have to let Dream know that I'm going somewhere."

"Fine. Be ready by sunset tonight, I'll be waiting outside of the vault."

Quackity left after that, and you quickly shoved his gifts into your bag. Dream would be angry if he knew what Quackity was doing. You hoped to not tell him that you were going with Quackity, but you might have to.

You entered the room he was in. "Are you feeling better?"

"I don't know."

"I know this isn't a great time, but I have a trip to go on," You spoke, nervous to see his reaction.

"What trip?"

"I've just got to go somewhere."

Dream quickly stood up, walking over to you and getting very close to you. He already seemed concerned about where you were going, and he didn't seem ok with the idea of you leaving for so long on your own.

"Tell me."

"I think you'll be upset if I tell you..."

"Y/N! Tell me!" Dream demanded.

"Fine, I'm going with Quackity."

"What?!" Dream yelled.

"He told me that he could help me with our Karl problem."

"I'll keep you safe from him!"

"I trust that, but Quackity might be able to get him away from us for good! And then we can live in peace together!"

"I don't trust him, and I don't want you to go."

"I'm going."

You started to walk out the door when Dream grabbed your wrist.

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