Powerful Books

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"Actually, I have something to attend to," Foolish winked, leaving the building. That left you and XD alone.

"You can't just listen to our conversation like that, Y/N," XD spoke, breaking the silence.

"What are you talking about?" You twirled your hair with your fingers, attempting to act innocent. XD must have really wanted you to not hear what he was saying. The first part was probably pretty embarrasing. And the second was clearly supposed to remain a secret between XD and Foolish.

"Don't play dumb, darling."

You rolled your eyes at his nickname. It felt weird to hear anyone other then Dream use them. In your mind, he had no right to. After all, he had just met you. Dream has known for you for a long time.

"Fine. Don't use that name," You replied.

"Does it bring back memories of Dream, love?" He teased.

You had decided to ignore him. "So what's the deal with this death note thing?"

"Well, it was supposed to remain a secret, but the book that Dream has is from me. I hid all of these books that have powers around the area we are all in. The books will all eventually be found by an owner. That person can use the book to have a certain power. In Dream's case, he found the revive book. This means that he can bring people back from the dead. I believe it ended up in the wrong hands," XD explained.

"How many book are there?" You asked.

"Lots, but there are three main ones that I hid. That includes the revive book, the Death Note, and another one. I was commanded to keep that one a secret, so I apologize for keeping it a secret. I was hoping that the other main books would be found by someone trustworthy. Someone unlike Dream. And that's why I wanted you to have one of them."

You blushed slightly.. "You want me to have one of them? Me?"

"Yes, I do. I'm not quite sure if the third book is ready to be commanded yet, so that only leaves me with the option of giving you the Death Note. Perhaps, I could hand over the third one once it's magic is fully restored," XD responded.

You and XD just stared at each other. He towered over you.

With no words, you hugged him. After almost a minute, you let go.

He still had his mask on, but you could tell he was confused. "What was that for?"

"I don't know," You shrugged.

"You're adorable," XD said, teasing you again.

"I'm not adorable. Moving on, where is this Death Note?" You laughed.

He smiled under his mask and led you outside. "I don't feel like making you look for it, so I'll just give it to you."

"Thanks," You said, still slightly confused.

A cloud of green magic floated around XD as he reached up to the sky. After another wave of magic appeared, you could now see the cloaked god again. He was holding a black book that had the words "Death Note" on it.

"So, what does this book do?" You questioned.

"If you write someone's name in it, they die. I guess this goes well with Dream's book," XD laughed, handing it to you.

"Yeah... Thanks, XD. I'm going to go home now."

You started to walk away until you heard XD's voice again. "Y/N?" XD called.


"Come back to me every week."


"You must give me this in return. And something else that I'll tell you when the time is right."

"Sure, I guess. Bye, XD. Tell Foolish I said goodbye."


You started your journey back home. Why did you have to come back every week? You decided that you would listen to XD so nothing bad happened. Dream would probably get confused as to why you had to see Foolish every week though.

But now you had the Death Note in your hands...

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