Masquerade Ball

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You jumped a bit to see a man with dirty blonde hair and a green masquerade mask. You could see his lips and they were presenting a smirk to you. His hand still remained on you as your face turned slightly red. You could only see some of your cheeks due to the F/C masquerade mask covering lots of your face besides different parts of skin, your lips, and your E/C eyes.

The man said no words, he just stared at you. "Why are you just staring at me?" You questioned.

"Because your beautiful," he complimented.

"You can't even see my whole face," You laughed, your H/C hair swaying as you moved, his hand sliding off your shoulder.

"I don't even know who you are. You don't know my name," You spoke.

You weren't even completely sure what was happening. You were attending a ball, and apparently Dream was a prince in this reality. You had never imagined Dream to be royalty. Although, Eret and George were at some point.

"What's your name?"

"Y/N... shoot."

You had forgotten that you were at a masquerade party, and you weren't supposed to really say your name. And you didn't want Dream to find you. God, you could be talking to Dream right now. He did have dirty blonde hair and a green masquerade mask... You saw freckles on his cheeks. 

It was him, wasn't it? "What's your name?" You asked.

"No can do, darling, it's a masquerade party," he winked.

"I told you mine," You complained.

"That's your mistake, love. Y/N, a lovely name by the way. I've heard of you before," he replied.

Your stomach was full of butterflies, and he was making you nervous. Even if this was Dream, you needed to remember to not trust him. You loved your Dream, but Karl most likely found a reality where Dream is extra evil and possessive. Karl was really blinding you, you needed to be careful.

"Uh sorry, I have to go uh meet with a friend!" You stuttered.


"Uh it's um Techno," You lied, thinking of the name of your best friend right away.

The man raised an eyebrow under his masquerade mask. "There's no one namedTechno around here, love."

"Oh, right, yeah," You stuttered, another shade of pink creeping onto your face.

"I just have to go, I'm sorry," You spoke, starting to walk off.

The man grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him. You looked up at him as he put his finger under your chin. This was Dream, no doubt. But this Dream didn't even know you, so things would be different.

"Woah, woah, woah. We're not done here yet."

"I already said that I have to go, Dream."

The man froze. "I never said my name."

"It's quite obvious who you are, Prince Dream," You did, doing a fake cursty to mock his royal heritage.

"Are you going to stay with me?"


"I'm sorry it had to go this way, Y/N."


A man with hair that seemed to be a balance of blonde and brown grabbed your arm. He ripped his masquerade mask off once he dragged you outside. It was a variant of Punz. "Who are you/" You demanded, playing dumb.

"I'm Punz."

Why did Dream and Punz have the same names but the others didn't?

You looked up at the tall men in front of you. Dream swapped his masquerade mask for his classic smiley face mask. He seemed eager to take your mask off and see your face. You weren't sure how you felt about that.

"What do the two of you even want?" You questioned.

"I want you to stay with me," Dream smiled under his mask.


"Um, no thanks," You stuttered, taking a few steps back.

"You see, Prince Dream is in need of someone to marry. A queen," Punz explained.

You didn't want this to happen all over again. And defintely not with this other version of Dream. Dream lightly took your masquerade mask off. He smirked under his mask. "You're even more beautiful."

"I'm not intrested, sorry."

"That's not how it works, darling," Dream laughed.

You looked at Punz, and he just nodded.

"You can't just force me to marry you."

"I could easily kill Tom or William," Dream threatened.

"Who?" You asked, confused.

You didn't know a Tom or a William. 

"The leader of your home nation and his right-hand-man... You are super close with them," Punz answered, and he seemed to be confused by your answer.


So it was Wilbur and Tommy. That made sense.

"I'm not coming," You decided.

As Dream was about to grab you, a man swooped in, grabbing you and your masquerade mask. You ended up in a small storage closest. You could tell who the man was by their colorful hoodie and brown hair. It was Karl, a variant of Karl, or Karl pretending to be a variant. But it was some form of Karl.


"No problem, I'm Karlos by the way," he winked.

"You have a fiancé," You spoke, rolling your eyes.

"Do I?"


"I don't know of anyone named Sapnap, and I'm certainly not dating anyone at the moment. So I can flirt freely," Karlos smiled.

You knew that he was just the normal Karl lying to gain your trust and make you like him. He wanted you to be on his and Sapnap's side, and he wanted you to think he was a great person. "I know your tricks, Karl," You hissed.

"Shoot," Karlos spoke. He grabbed onto you, and your vision only allowed you to see a swirl once again.

Where on Earth were you going now?

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