What is He Hiding?

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You just stared into Dream's eyes, wondering what was going to happen next. Everything was so peaceful, and you loved it. It felt wrong. Your life was always full of drama and war for the past two years. And even before that, your home wasn't very great. You missed early L'Manberg sometimes, it felt peaceful to you, although L'Manberg never truly was peaceful.

Wilbur had always ordered you to stay indoors during the fights. You were still upset with him for that. Of course you were in some fights, but the ones involving Dream seemed to disclude you. Even if you weren't always there, Dream was always plotting an attack against Wilbur, or Wilbur was going over a plan to sneak attack their base.

The beginning of L'Manberg was rough. Everyone was hungry, and sometimes you'd have to live off scraps. Before Wilbur's cabin was fully built, you had always slept in the van or in a tent. Everything went downhill when Dream discovered you, but maybe it was for the best. How long had Wilbur known that Dream wanted to be with you?

You had nothing super special about you, so you never had any clue why he wanted you in specific. You couldn't believe that you were still thinking about L'Manberg, but it was hard not to. What would have happened if your brother didn't run for president? What would have happened if Wilbur didn't blow up L'Manberg?

 You felt someone lightly tap you. "Are you ok?" Dream asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just zoned out," You shrugged.

Dream nodded, and he stood up from his spot. The sunrise was almost complete, and you decided to stand alongside him, brushing your H/C hair behind your ears. At first, you assumed that this date was for something special, but it appeared that Dream just felt like taking you out on a date.

After all, it would be the first fairly normal one. 

A wave of remembrance flooded over you. This had happened a while ago, but what ever did happen to the blood vines? You were only thinking of this because you could have sworn you saw some red vines wrapped around trees further back in the forest. Should you tell Dream, or was it not anythign major?

You decided to leave it alone and walk out of the forest with Dream. Once he entered Pandora's Vault, he asked you to wait outside for a couple of minutes. You agreed, and stood outside the prison. Why wasn't he letting you come in with him? It wasn't a big deal, so you just sat there, lost in your own thoughts.

Soon, you became aware of someone's humming. "Hello?"

"Hello, Y/N," a somewhat deep voice replied.

You looked to your side to see a man with a green gas mask and a crown. A green and white creeper mask was clipped onto his belt, and his outfit consisted of gold and green colors. You realized who it was right away.

"Sam," You greeted miserably.

"I'm assuming you know what happened. Dream had to tell you."

"What, was he going to say that you tortured him in that prison? Do you think that I'm going to help get him locked up? No way," You scoffed.

"Ah, so Dream didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?" You demanded, getting in Sam's face out of anger.

Sam just gave you a laugh. It sounded sinister, and you didn't like what mood he was giving off. Were you just another form of revenge to him? Sam hated Dream, so he was going to do something with you. That's what always happens. You did wish that Dream had less targets on his back. 

"I'm not aloud to tell, Dream told me that he'd kill me forever if I tell," Sam spoke.

"I think Clay would want me to know."

"You even use his real name. That's funny, last time I remember, you left him alone in that prison without a single visit. I remember him telling me that he would find you. It happened every single day, and you didn't even care about him," Sam laughed, an evil tone arising from his voice.

You felt your heart sink in guilt. That was one of your biggest regrets. "Stop playing with me Sam, just tell me what I want to know."

"If Dream comes after me, I'm blaming you, Y/N."

"I wouldn't care if he came after you," You replied with a smirk.

"Oh, you would. I have some friends that could easily take care of you," Sam smirked.

"Try me."

"I may have kept your little boyfriend locked up in prison, but I didn't torture him. It was all Quackity. I was the one who kept him alive," Sam spoke.

"Lies," You muttered.

"Let me finish. And when Dream escaped, I gave the prison up. I gave him my keys, and I surrendered. Do you want to know what Dream did? He attacked me with his weapons and left me outside of Pandora's Vault bleeding out. If it wasn't for one of my friends, I would have died," Sam explained.

"Oh," you gasped.

You understood Dream's anger, but why would he do that?

"I'm telling Clay that you disobeyed him and told me," You replied.

 Sam started to circle you. "Darn it, Y/N, you always get yourself in this position. I hate to say it, but you know too much."

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