(123) come and get me

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"Ash, you suck at cards, why do you ever think you're going to win?" Hugo laughs.

"Nothing is ever impossible, and if you believe it is," Ash says, clicking his fingers towards Madi, who was sat opposite him in the snug, "tell her it can't be done and watch it happen."

"I'm not a miracle worker." Madison retorts, "you winning a game of cards is way past anything I can help with. Actually I take that back, play against the foetus inside of Lizzie, you should win that match."

"Can we not call my daughter a foetus?" Tommy asks.

"Daughter?" Madi repeats and he nods, "Polly told Lizzie it was a girl."

"Good luck to her," Edmund snorts.

"What's that mean?" Tommy questions.

"It means I've grown up with your sisters, I've seen what you were like with them," Edmund replies, taking a drag from his cigarette, "goodness knows what you'll be like with a daughter of your own when she's old enough to start dating."

"I've already thought about that," Tommy says, "she'll never be old enough."

"You said that about Pol, even though she's older than you," Ada retorts, "you said that about me, and Mads."

"Yeah, well you lot told me I wasn't your Dad, she can't use that excuse." Tommy shrugs.

"I don't get what your issue with dating is," Chloe inputs, "there's no harm in it, besides it's not like you actually have any control over it. She will date someone, and you'll have to deal with it."

"Hopefully it gives him a heart attack." Edmund mumbles.

"The circle of life, new daughter coming into the world, and talking about the father dying." Hugo laughs.

"We're joking," Edmund tells Tommy, "you're a prick but we don't want you to die."

"How endearing." Tommy deadpans, finishing his drink.

"Liven up, brother," Arthur chuckles, "who's up for another game?"

"I'm gonna sit this one out." Madison says, putting her cigarette out and placing her hand on Chloe's leg beneath the table, her thumb caressing the top of her knee; causing the redhead to glance at her warningly, though making no move to push the hand away.

Gradually, as the game of cards went on, Madisons hand made its way further up her wife's thigh, and as Chloe went to take a sip from her drink, she gently pinched the inside of her thigh, making her cough.

"You okay?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah, it just went down the wrong hole." Chloe says, "I need to visit the ladies room."

Madison watches her exit the snug, the red head giving her the finger when she notices Madi begin to raise from her seat. She caught up to her quite quickly in the crowd, her arm wrapping round her waist, everyone around them parting to let them through.

They entered the toilet, and Chloe locks the main door, turning to her smirking wife.

"I'm not giving in, you've got another week." Chloe says, placing her hand on Madisons stomach, gently pushing her back against the wall, "behave yourself."

"When have I ever done that?" Madi replies, placing her hand on Chloe's jaw, tilting her head up so they were looking eye to eye.

Chloe gently nibbles her bottom lip, her hand moving from Madisons stomach to remove the hand on her face. Using both of her hands to pin Madisons to the wall.

"Behave yourself for one more week, and I'll let you do anything... anything you would like to." Chloe whispers, leaning up so her lips brushed by Madisons ear.

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