(23) The Missed Funeral

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"The funeral was today. You missed it." Moss tells Madison, who was sat in one of the police cells. "And I wonder whose fault that is?" Madison glares.

"You're free to go." Moss says, opening the jail cell door. "I didn't do anything wrong." Madison replies. "You had a physical relationship with someone of the same gender." He whispers.

"If that's the real reason why're you whispering? Unless none of your other officers know about your sisters mission." Madison says.

"Madison, it was the inspectors orders." Moss shrugs, and she scoffs, "that man fucking murdered your sister."

"You don't know that." Moss replies, "Moss, open your fucking eyes. That man is fucking despicable. He locked me in here just so I couldn't go to her funeral." Madison seethes.

"Doesn't mean he killed her, all I know is your aunt came to me, telling me my sister was dead at your house. How can I believe a word you're saying?" Moss questions.

"Moss, I'm not lying, I wouldn't fucking hurt your sister." Madison says. "I'm not sure I can believe you." Moss responds.

"Moss, Campbell tried to sleep with your sister, she said no, he tried to force himself upon her and when she got free, he fucking shot at her! Three times!" Madison exclaims.

"Just go." Moss sighs.

"You're a fucking coward," Madison spits out, storming out the police station.

"You alright?" Lance asks, popping out from the shadows to walk beside her.
"Just fine. What're you doing here Lance?" Madison replies bluntly.

"Wanted to see how you were coping." Lance shrugs. "I'm doing fucking brilliantly." Madison says. "Clearly." Lance mumbles.

"How did you find out?" Madison asks, stopping and finally turning to face him. "I'm me. Finding out stuff is quite literally my job." Lance answers.

"Right well, you've seen me, I'm obviously fine. Anything else?" Madison queries. "Can't a friend just come to check up on another friend?" Lance replies.

"They can. Just preferably with a warning." Madison says, starting to walk again.

"I'm only passing by, got to go to York." Lance says, "wanna get a drink?"

"Alright." Madison nods.

"Great, to your pub." Lance smiles. "The Garrison? No.." Madison shakes her head. "You can't hide from your family. They'll be worried about you." Lance replies.

"It's nice to just be alone sometimes." Madison says. "True, but moments of peace, and completely isolating yourself from your loved ones, they're completely different." Lance states, and Madison sighs, heading now in the direction of the Garrison.

"Two glasses of rum." Madison says to Grace, "please."

"Your brothers are in the snug." Grace informs, placing the drinks down. "Thanks blondie."

"I have a feeling you want to go meet them. Fair warning, Tommy wants your head." Madison tells Lance, "because I slept with his sister? Fair enough." He chuckles, following her lead as they head towards the private area.

"Hey Mads." Arthur greets, his normal gruff tone being replaced by a softer one; one of pity.

"Hi." Madison replies, taking a seat beside John.

"Who's that?" Tommy asks, gesturing to Lance, who was taking a seat beside Madison where she'd pulled a chair out for him.

"That's Lance." Madison states.

"Well... what's Lance doing in here?" John questions. "Sitting?" Madison replies.

"Wait- I remember you, you were round here a couple weeks ago, by Charlie's yard." Arthur says. "That would be me, yes." Lance nods.

"So... Lance, what do you do for a living?" John asks, eyeing the man sceptically. "Well... I do a bit of baking with my brother. But mostly I just travel finding out information for buyers." Lance informs the brothers.

"This is him." Tommy states, and Madison nods, watching his hand go beneath his blazer. "And whatever is going through your head right now Thomas, think about whether I'd want to speak to you again after you did it." Madison warns, Tommy seems to contemplate his sisters words, before slowly withdrawing his hand, leaving the gun he was reaching for in its holster.

"Where are you from?" Arthur asks. "England." Lance shrugs, "sorry, London."

"What you doing up here in beautiful ol' Birmingham?" John questions. "Passing through, got a meeting in York tomorrow." Lance answers.

"How do you know our sister?" Arthur queries. "I-uh, she saved my life. She was part of a rescue squad. We were evacuating my base, I got shot, everyone just left me. I didn't know who she was, but she came back," Lance says, "her and Jude, they came back."

"Jude?" The brothers repeat.

There were two people Madison really did not want to think about right now. Jude and Victoria. If she thought about one, she thought about the other. Two people she was in love with both being killed. Twice, what were the fucking odds?

"Yeah, he uh, died in an explosion." Madison says.

Died. Jude was dead. Victoria was dead. She'd watched them both die, and had done nothing to help.

"I-I need some fresh air, I'll see you boys at home. Lance, I'll see you whenever you pop up again." Madison says, excusing herself.

She didn't even need to look up to know where she was going. People moved out of her way anyway, and she'd been picturing her route ever since she'd been let out the jail cell.

Keeping her head down, she sauntered through the streets, until she reached Victoria's resting place.

Thankfully, all the funeral go-ers had cleared off so she was alone at the grave.

"Hey love." Madison whispers, taking a seat beside the gravestone.

"I- I know it's not going to make much of a difference now, and I know it might just be my Romany side wishing you can still hear me. But I forgive you. I know people are gonna think that I'm delusional for doing so, but I refuse to tarnish our good memories any longer." Madison speaks, "I refuse to hate your memory."

"I know we said forever. Well- you said it, I thought it. Perhaps the word forever was meant for memories, not people. It's impossible for me to ever forget you." She admits.

Madison wasn't exactly sure how to say what she wanted to, so opted to sit beside the slab with Victoria Olivia Moss engraved across its front, in silence. Just staring at the words beneath her name.

What is love without a little chaos?

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