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"Alright blondie." Madison greets Grace, settling onto a stool near the bar. "Usual?" Grace asks. "No, I reckon I'll switch it up today. I'm in the mood for something red." Madison replies.

There was a quiet fumbling noise, and Madisons eyes drifted to where Chloe had almost just dropped a glass onto the floor.

"Put some Vodka in a glass with Cranberry juice." Madison says to Grace, adding a 'please' as an afterthought.

"That's Chloe, she's new." Grace tells her, placing the drink infront of her, "she is still a bit nervous but she's great."

"Grace, she's under our protection now, just as you are. Tell me if anyone tries on anything on either of you, alright?" Madison says, taking a sip from her drink.

"Yeah, of course." Grace nods with a smile, moving onto her next customer when Madi turned away.

"Madison, d'you know where your brother is?" Harry asks, rushing over to her, "Tommy, where's Tommy?"

"I'm not sure, why?" Madison replies.

"My brother in Digbeth just told me police are coming here from Deritend in numbers, asking for Tommy Shelby by name." Harry tells her.

"Fuck." Madison says, getting out of her seat heading for the exit, opening the door revealing just the brother she was looking for.

"Mads, I know. I know." Tommy states, "you promised, Tom. You swore they wouldn't take you away." Madison says. "They're not going to." Tommy replies.

"They're close, what're you doing here?" Madison asks, and he glances over her shoulder where Grace was wiping down the counter.

"Be quick, if they come here I will delay them for as long as I can." Madison says. "Thank you, and I promise I'll see you soon." Tommy says, kissing her temple before walking over to Grace and taking her into the back room.

"Police are in the lane." Finn says, running into the pub, followed by Isaiah and Richard.

"Finn, Tom is back there, tell him. I'll deal with the coppers." Madison instructs, looking to her holster, and making sure she had billets in her gun.

It didn't take long for half a dozen men in blue to saunter into the pub, being led by Campbell himself. When he made eye contact with Madison, she saw his face drop for a second before he covered up with his arrogance.

He was scared of her. As he should be.

Campbell already had his gun out, tilted in her direction as he approached, "I'm looking for Thomas Shelby."

"He's not here." Madison states.

"Where is he?"

"Somewhere that isn't here." Madi shrugs.
"You'll never find him." Finn adds, and Campbell turns to the youngest Shelby who was stood with his friends.

"He's right. You'll never find him." Isaiah confirms.

When Campbell takes a step in their direction, Madison stands up, going for her gun, but being stopped when he turns back to her pressing the barrel of his pistol between her eyes.

"Is this how you put your horses down?" Campbell taunts.

"Is this how you murdered her?" Madison counters.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know."

"Understand this, pikey, I don't care if you live or die." Campbell says, "and you think I do?" Madison replies.

"Glass of rum please." Madison says, turning to look at Chloe, the gun now pointed at her temple.

She could see the red heads hands shaking as she poured the drink, placing it down on the counter, "thanks." Madison says, picking it up.

"Don't move." Campbell says. "You woulda shot me by now." Madison replies bored, downing the drink as he cocked the pistol.

"Mads," Finn speaks, worriedly. "I'm fine, Finn. He ain't got the balls, do you, Chester?" Madison tuts.

"Why the fuck can nothing normal ever be happening in this town?" A voice speaks as the doors get slammed open, "alright, Madi?"

"Just peachy, thanks." Madison says, looking past Campbell at her comrade who had just entered the establishment.

"It's her. The one you asked about." Lance tells her, Campbell turning to face him, allowing Madi to knock his gun away, and get hers pointing it at the back of the Inspectors head.

The officers stood around the pub now turned to her with their guns out.

"Two. You sent two of them to spy on us?" Madison says.

"If you kill me, they won't stop till they find him. He will hang." Campbell speaks. "Call it off then, you do that and I'll let you go for now. But know, the next time you step foot in this town, I will know, and I will kill you, slowly, painfully, and without mercy." Madison whispers.

"Call it off! Call it off!" Campbell orders.

"She's got a gun to your head, sir." A man in uniform says.

"Call it off. All of it." Campbell commands.

"Good, now fuck off." Madison says, walking him to the door, only dropping her gun when she'd pushed him out of the pub.

"Mads," Finn says, rushing over to her, and wrapping his arms round her waist. "I'm alright, everything's okay." Madison tells him, stroking the soft curls on his head.

"Did Tommy leave with Grace? Did he go with her?" Madi asks and Finn nods.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Madison whispers.

"Why?" Finn asks.

"Grace is like Victoria." Madison replies, and he looks at her mouthing 'lesbian?'

"No. A policewoman." Madison tells him.

"He'll be back in the morning, tell him then." Finn replies, and Madison thinks over his point. With no police after him, business booming, Tom would definitely be home tomorrow.

She'd tell him then.

"Come here." Finn says, gesturing for her to lean down to his height. "The barmaid is looking over here, I think she thinks you're pretty."

"Well, I think she's pretty." Madison whispers back, "she is, go. And make sure you use protection." Finn replies quietly. "Finn, we don't need to." Madi says.

"But Pol always says to use protection."

"It's different- never mind." Madison laughs. "You're right, we're wasting time. I think you should go up to her and tell her you think she's beautiful, and that you want to take her on a date." Finn advises.

"Getting a bit ahead of ourselves there." Madi replies. "Nope. Now go, you're wasting time, and look, someone is talking to her." Finn says, causing Madison to turn around, making Finn laugh.

"Haha, got ya." Finn chuckles. "You little shit." Madison smiles, ruffling his hair up before making her way towards Chloe.

P.s. I start school again so won't be updating as often.

Good luck for people going back. I believe in you, you'll do amazing :)

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