(78) Coventry

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"Just us tonight bud, what do you want to do?" Madison asks.

"Millie showed me this cool way to make bracelets, we could try that?" Hugo suggests, "we need like thread, that's it."

"We have thread, it's in the sewing drawer." Madison replies, "bracelets it is."

The two settled around the kitchen table, Madison copying Hugo as he taught her how to make a bracelet, knotting each piece of thread round the others.

"Auntie M, you knew my family didn't you?" Hugo questions, "I did," Madison nods.

"How are we related then? Are you my mum or dads sister?" Hugo asks, "neither," Madison replies, realising he must've forgotten their link, it had been years since he'd found out, he'd grown since then, and just understand that he called her 'aunt' but couldn't remember the reasoning.

"What? How are we related then?"

"I was in a relationship with your uncle Jude during the war, I met your Dad afterwards, he had some things of Judes that he thought I might want. I never met your mum, but Jacob spoke fondly of her." Madison explains.

"Jude? Uncle? You dated my Uncle?" Hugo questions shocked, "I used to be interested in men and women, now I don't find interest in anyone but Chloe." Madison shrugs.

"What was my Uncle like?"

"He was brilliant, such a kind heart, and so brave." Madison tells him, "one of the loveliest men I ever knew, you two would've got along like houses on fire."

"That's nice to know," Hugo smiles.

"Anytime you have questions about any of them, I'll do my best to answer. I don't want you to feel like Im trying to separate you from them," Madison says.

"I know you're not, I just get nervous about hearing about them, I know they didn't choose to leave, but I still feel abandoned by them." Hugo admits, "and I want to blame someone for taking them from me. I don't feel it's fair that I didn't get to see them grow old, that they didn't get to see me grow up."

"When I first got here, I wanted so bad to blame it on someone here, but I can't. You've cared for me as if I were your own child. I'm so thankful for that, you're my family. I know you'll say you're not trying to replace them, I know you're not, but this is just how I feel." Hugo tells her.

"Thank you for taking me in. I love it here, I love you." Hugo states, looking away tearful whilst Madison looks at him, blinking as she absorbed everything he'd just said, and standing.

Hugo thought she was going to walk away, but instead, she gently pulled him from his seat and pulled him into her arms, "I love you too, so bloody much." Madison whispers, "and I promise I will never let anything happen to you," she adds, kissing his temple before stepping away.

"So who's the bracelet for? Millie?" Madison says, "no.. if it were for Millie I'd use purple, that's her favourite colour." Hugo blushes, "this is for you... you don't have to wear it, if you don't want to."

"Are you kidding? I'm never taking this off." Madison laughs, "help me put it on."

Hugo smiles, picking up the bracelet he'd made, tying it around Madisons outstretched arm, "under no circumstances am I ever going to take this off." Madi says.

"Auntie M, I know it's stupid but.. you wouldn't leave me right? Like they did?" Hugo asks.

"The day I leave you is the day I take this bracelet off, never." Madison replies, "now I'd offer you mine, but I don't think anyone would want to wear that."

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