(116) Proposition

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"What time is it?" Alfie asks, his eyes shut as he stands infront of the Italians.

"29 minutes past 8," Mateo answers.

"Right. Well, then I have... I have another minute to go, actually, but you, er, you can begin." Alfie says.

Luca takes a step towards Alfie, fiddling with the match between his lips, "I'm Luca Changretta."

"Oh yeah, I know who you are. You're a bit of a failure, aren't you?" Alfie responds, "you come all the way over here to this country in order to kill Tommy Shelby, but, I mean, well, he's not dead, is he?"

"No, he ain't." Luca says.

"How much time have I got left, mate?" Alfie asks.

"Ten seconds." Mateo informs, beginning the countdown to zero.

Alfie opens his eyes, looking the Italians up and down, "right, hello. How can I help you?"

"I have a proposition for you."

"I already know what you want, yeah, but I just want to hear you say it out loud." Alfie says, "so I can check how ridiculous it is."

"We hear there's going to be a little fight, you know, a boxing match, between your boy and Tommy Shelbys boy, in Birmingham." Luca states, "and most of the Shelby family is going to be there."

"All but the cousin." Alfie says.

"And the sister." Mateo chuckles, and Alfie looks past Luca to the man, "obviously haven't done enough reading fellas, is it a struggle for you?"

"She woke up yesterday." Alfie states, "she's got a fatal wound, she'd be psychotic to be out of hospital already." Mateo responds.

"Yes, you very obviously have not read up on the enigma that is Madison Shelby." Alfie tuts, "she may not be out today, but she'll definitely be out tomorrow."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I, mate, unlike you, do not underestimate her. She will prove you wrong if you do that." Alfie says, "should never underestimate someone you're attempting to kill."

"Especially as you've failed twice to kill them now, how the fuck do you mess up shooting someone dead?" Alfie laughs, "you've got 1 in 3, now I'm no statistician but I know damn well 33% is a whole lot worse than a hundred."

Lucas jaw ticks, "you, Mr Solomons, you will be there too."

"I'll tell you what, here it is," Alfie says, turning around to pick up two bottles of rum, "here's a gift, it's free, a souvenir of your visit here."

He hands them to the Italians, "goodbye, trot on. Down there is Bonnie Street."

"You know, they say you are a smart guy." Luca states, "how nice of them- who was it? I'll send them a free gift too." Alfie smirks.

Luca ignores him, "you already know what we want before we say it. That's funny, because I believe that I know what you want before you say it."

"You gonna taste it?" Alfie asks, gesturing to the rum, "it's a gift, don't be rude."

Luca stays looking at Alfie but speaks to Mateo in Italian, I think this clown wants us to run his rum into New York.

"Damn straight, mate. Otherwise you wouldn't still be breathing my oxygen, would you?" Alfie responds, "you should really read up on people before you underestimate them. That's twice."

"People want gin these days." Luca responds.

"Right, well, the exit is still out there, on Bonnie Street. Yeah?" Alfie says, taking a seat.

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