(64) The Ceremony

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"You definitely can't have that in your speech." Ada tells her sister, scribbling out a sentence. "Why not?" Madison groans.

"Because we don't want to hear about how you love the way her moans fill your bedroom." Ada exclaims. "But I do!" Madison replies. "You cannot have it in your speech, Madison." Ada states.

"Jesus fucking Christ Mads, you really are shit with your emotions." Ada sighs, reading through the speech. "I don't know what to write, my hand hit the paper and I couldn't stop it from writing." Madison replies, aware that the speech was probably atrocious.

"Edmund! Ashton! Get in here!" Ada shouts through the betting den.

"Yes?" Eddie asks.

"We need to help her rewrite her speech, this is a load of wank." Ada says, holding the sheet up to the men to read.

"Fucking hell, that's worse than I was expecting." Ashton laughs.

"I don't know what to fucking write." Madison says, running a hand through her hair frustratedly.

"Write about how you fucking feel you idiot, don't write about how you had a sex deal before you got together." Eddie replies.

"Why don't we just fire out a load of questions, write down her answers, and try make that into a speech?" Ashton suggests. "That isn't a totally awful idea." Ada agrees.

"How do you feel when you're with her?" Eddie asks. "Happy. Horny." Madison shrugs.

"No sex talk in your wedding speech." Ada states, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"How do you feel when you're not with her?" Ashton queries, and Madison contemplates his question, "empty."

"What's your favourite memory with her? Do not say anything about sex." Ada says, "this is stupid." Madison grumbles.

"What is it? We're getting further than before." Edmund encourages.

"The night I asked her to be my girlfriend. We were sat on my bed, just laughing, her hair was all curly and natural, and she was hugging a pillow, I said something and she hid her blush by covering her face with the pillow. I just sat there and looked at her, I remember thinking that it was the happiest I'd ever been." Madison tells them.

"See, now that we can include. Fucking hell, if you say more shit like that I'm going to start crying." Ashton says, writing that down on a spare sheet of paper.

"Now continue... what's the main thing that comes into your mind when you think of her?" Ada asks.


"No, that table needs to be further to the left." Madison says, "I've got a very specific drawing, nothing is going to go fucking wrong, so don't argue with me and move it another three inches to the left."

"Where are these going?" Ashton asks, coming over with boxes of flowers, "is that a serious question? Ash, there's vases on the middle of each table, where the fuck do you think they're going?" Madison responds.

"I just didn't want to get it wrong... bridezilla." Ashton mumbles.

"People start arriving in twenty, we need to sort these chairs out." Madison sighs, "I'll help." Hugo smiles, "me too, what do we need to do?" Michael adds.

"We need 4 rows of 8. But with a gap down the middle, all facing the stage." Madison says, "got it," Michael nods, as the two boys start collecting chairs, Michael helping Hugo line them up.

"We've got the cake. Tommy has gone to Chloe." Arthur says, as he and John carry it through, placing it on the bar. "We checked the list Chloe gave us, the cake is perfect." John tells her.

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