(60) Cocaine

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"Fucking hell Arthur!" Madison exclaims, covering her eyes, "at least find a private bloody room."

"I am not opening my eyes, Thomas, lead me away. I'm fucking scarred." Madison says, and Tommy laughs, taking her arm and guiding her through the club.

"You can open your eyes." Tommy states, "Thomas I will actually murder you if you're telling me to open my eyes and we're still in the same room as Arthur shagging a woman." Madison threatens.

"We're not." Tommy assures, and cautiously Madison removes her hand, and opens her eyes.

"He's almost as bad as you are for doing it in public places." Tommy jokes, "we don't shag in public," Madison defends. "Mmm, just make out against the side of the Garrison." Tommy retorts.

"Ahh, welcome." Arthur says, going to hug Madison, "I'm good for the moment," she says, placing her hand out. "Fair enough." He laughs.

"Arthur, we were looking at the books." Tommy states as the siblings take a seat. "Yeah?" Arthur nods, brushing his hair back.

"Six hundred pounds on olives?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah, it's miscellaneous. It's um.. olives. On sticks." Arthur speaks, using hand gestures to try and explain as he spoke, "you know, with little bits of fucking onion and things."

"And we've taken six hundred pounds on olives?" Madison says. "With little bits of onion." He replies a little quieter.

"I told you, Arthur. The dealers sell the cocaine and we take a cut. We don't sell it direct." Tommy says, and Madison sits up straighter in her seat, "did you just say cocaine?"

"Later, Mads." Tommy replies.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Madison mutters.

"The Home Secretary is cracking down and I don't want this to fuck up everything else. Understand?" Tommy says, and Arthur nods, "I understand."

"How much of that six hundred came out of your own pocket?" Tommy asks.

"It's under control." Arthur responds, pouring himself a drink, offering one to his sister who declines.

"I put you down here because people are scared of you, Arthur. But if you don't straighten up, it'll be Johns turn in London." Tommy tells him.

"No need, I can handle it." Arthur says, "it's under control."

Tommy closes the book, leaning back in his seat and taking a drag from his cigarette, "fucking tidy profit though, eh?"


Madison and Thomas were sat in his car outside a row of posh houses, Tommy could tell his sister was pissed off at him, she was refusing to look at him and when she spoke it was blunt.

"Incoming." Madison warns as an officer came over to the vehicle.

"What's your business?"

"Sorry, we're a bit lost." Madison tells him, giving him a kind smile. "Oh, well you can't stop here, sorry." He replies politely, "we didn't know, we'll be on our way." Madison says, whilst Tommy starts the engine, checking his pocket watch.


"This is Adas new house." Tommy states, banging the knocker, Madison didn't reply, she was busy looking around the street, turning her attention back to the house, expecting to see her sister, but instead a man was stood there.


"We're looking for Ada." Tommy states, "who are you?" He asks, and Madison rolls her eyes, stepping inside the house, "Ada!"

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