(77) Linda Shelby

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"Linda and I got married, Jeremiah married us last night." Arthur announces, holding his wife's hand as they stood in Thomas' drawing room infront of his family.

"Wait you got married and didn't invite any of us?" Ada asks.

"It was spur of the moment." Arthur replies, "quite romantic if I say so myself."

"Is this why Dad left the house at some ungodly hour?" Isaiah questions, "yeah, we just couldn't wait." Linda smiles.

"That's kind of sweet." Grace says, placing a hand on Tommy's arm, an indication for him to agree with her, which he does, making Madison roll her eyes.

"You're being serious?" Madi asks, looking at Arthur, "you actually got married and didn't tell or invite any of us."

"We're telling you now." Linda replies, "was I speaking to you?" Madison retorts, turning to look at her confused.

"Mads," Tommy warns.

"No, because if we did that, we'd be getting a million question, and you'd all be fucked off as hell. I'd have it thrown in my fucking face." Madison says.

"Give us a minute," Chloe tells the room, giving Madison a nudge indicating for her to follow her into the hallway.

"I do agree with her, you all got down my neck when I got married to Freddie." Ada states, "Tom you put a gun to his head."

"You're my sister, he was my bestfriend, the circumstances were considerably different." Tommy responds.

"Congratulations Arthur and Linda." Grace says, raising a glass to them, to which the newlyweds smile.

Out in the hallway, Madison was being pinned against the wall, her wife pressing their lips together, Madi pulled her closer, turning them round so she had the red head trapped between her self and the wall, looking down at her.

"Is that what you brought me out here for?" Madison asks, "no, I did that to get all your attention on me, so you'd listen fully to what I say next." Chloe responds.

"Well you certainly have my attention." Madison laughs.

"Even if you don't agree with it, act happy for them, okay? You have a reason to be annoyed, it's a valid reason. But Arthur is happy, don't change that, don't make him start doubting himself, you have a great influence over all your brothers." Chloe speaks.

"We both know that if we randomly came in and said we were married, they would've been in an uproar." Madison replies. "I know, okay? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying beware of Arthur. He's happy with Linda, and that's what you want, right? Your brothers to be happy." Chloe says.

"Yes, but I'm still fucked off." Madison says.

"At least congratulate him, show him that you support his decision." Chloe replies, "but I don't support his decision, I don't like Linda, but she makes him happy so I'll put up with it." Madison tells her.

"Just go in there and act fucking happy for you brother, okay? That's all you need to do, even if you're annoyed, show him you're happy he's happy." Chloe states.

"In a minute," Madison smirks, eyes raking over Chloe who was still trapped between her arms, "you're so fucking beautiful," Madison whispers as she leans down to press her lips against Chloe's, her body coming against Chloe's as she straightened up, keep a hand on Chloe's jaw as their lips moved against one another's.

"In a good mood now?" Chloe asks teasingly, "I'm in a very good mood," Madi winks, hands trailing down Chloe's sides. "Not here, Mads, come on, let's go congratulate your brother." Chloe says, taking Madisons hands in her own removing them from her hips.

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