(10) Pregnancy

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"Ada, as much as I enjoy spending time with you. I'm confused as to why i am being dragged to the pictures. We aren't allowed to talk in there." Madison states as the sisters enter the film.

"I know. I just, I need you to be here. I'm scared and he's mad. I don't want to face him alone." Ada rambles.

"Face who alone? What the fuck are you waffling about?" Madison questions.


"Why's Tommy mad? Wait let me rephrase that, he's always mad, like a fucking bull. Why is Tommy mad at you?" Madison queries.

"It's not so much that his anger is directed at me, it's just that he's mad about a situation to do with me." Ada explains, as they take their seats.

"What situation?" Madi asks.

Ada took a deep, shaky breath, before placing a piece of popcorn into her mouth, "I'm pregnant" she announces.

"That's brilliant. Congratulations, what does Freddie say?" Madison replies.

"That's a good question." Ada laughs dryly.

"You haven't told him?" Madi asks.

"Haven't been able to, after the raid he had to skip town." Ada sighs. "Im keeping this baby Mads."

"Do you reckon he'd stay away even if he knew?" Madi questions.

"Yes, of course he would. He loves me, Mads. I know he does, and Pol doesn't believe me, she thinks he'd run off anyway. But I know he'd stay." Ada insists.

"If you think he'll come back, stay and step up to his responsibilities as a father. Then I believe you and will support you. But if he doesn't, I will hunt him down and castrate him." Madison says, just as a loud bang sounds, the door to the show being slammed open.

"You've always known how to make an entrance Thomas. I must say you haven't disappointed." Madison comments as her brother takes a seat next to her, Madi now placed between the two.

"Tell me the mans name, Ada." Tommy states, ignoring his youngest sisters comment.

"Rudolf Valentino." Ada replies, naming the lead actor in the film that was on show.

Thomas let's out a frustrated breathe before standing up and walking out the room, the film shutting off moments later.

"Get out! All of you! Get out! Now!" Tommy shouts, storming back in, the rest of the occupants now scurrying out of the cinema as he strode over to his sisters.

"Thomas, why don't we all just, I don't know, go for brunch? Calm down a bit. Do things that normal families do, you know?" Madison speaks, smiling as he rolls his eyes.

"Tell me his fucking name." Tommy says, clearly livid.


"You be quiet." He snaps at Madison, "either of you, tell me his fucking name, right now."

Finally turning to face her brother, "Freddie fucking Thorne." Ada says, and both girls watch their brothers face morph slightly into one of surprise, before going back to angry.

"Yeah, your best mate since school. The man who saved your life in France!" Ada exclaims. "So go on! Go on, cut him. Cut him up and chuck him in the cut."

"Freddie is a good man Thomas." Madison inputs, "there will be no cutting."

"We'll see." Tommy replies, before walking away.

"Thomas, for once in your life don't be a dick!" Madison calls after him, standing up, making him pause and turn back to face her.

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