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"Just stay still you stupid fucking thing," Madison says, smacking her hand against the wall, as if that would stop the tremors. She had just been trying to read her book, but the shakiness of her hands meant she could hold it still.

"I'm not a doctor, but I don't think smacking your hand against a wall is going to help," William inputs.

"William... shut up." Madison replies, pushing herself off of her bed, beginning to frustratedly pace around her small cell, "can't even hold a fucking book."

"Just read, it's not that fucking hard," she mumbles to herself, you can read, you know how to read, a voice in her head says.

"Then why don't the words make any fucking sense, why are the letters all jumbled up?" Madison asks quietly, picking the book up, seeing if the words made sense.

They didn't, the letters still seemed jumbled, she groaned vexatiously, throwing the book harshly onto the floor. She hadn't even noticed that there was two extra people stood outside her cell.

"Mads," Chloe speaks softly, "what's wrong?"

"Does this make sense to you?" Madison asks, picking the book off of the floor, passing it through the bars to her wife.

"Yes - Mads, this is your favourite book." Chloe responds, "that's what I was thinking, but I can make the words, well... words." Madison says.

"You can't read it?" Hugo states questioningly, and she shakes her head, worry portrayed on her face, "I can't read anything."

"Stupid head," Madison mutters, smacking the crown of her head, "don't do that," Chloe says, reaching a hand through the bars, for Madison to hold.

"Don't hit yourself, Mads," Chloe whispers, bringing Madisons hand to her lips and placing a kiss on her knuckles.

"Why did they move your cell?" Hugo queries, "I don't know, it feels smaller," Madison says. "It looks smaller," Hugo replies.

They were doing everything to make her feel trapped, to make her feel caged, there wasn't even any light. It was making him angry, he was scared too, every time they visited she seemed worse, staring blankly at a wall, or muttering words to herself.

"We're working on getting you out, it shouldn't be long." Chloe tells her, "couple of weeks at the most. Then you'll be free. You can come home."

"Where is home?" Madi asks, "what does it look like?"

"It's beautiful, it's surrounded by gardens, there's flowers, a range of colours." Chloe describes, watching Madison close her eyes and hum, "carry on."

"It's open floor, the lounge and dining area are connected, with an archway through to the kitchen. There's so much space, and it's serene."

"My favourite place is the upstairs study," Hugo smiles, "there's a massive window, it overlooks the entire estate. You can see for miles."

"There is a veranda held up with spiral stone pillars, that's my favourite place. It overlooks a river, the water is so clear, so blue. It's like staring into your eyes, mesmerising." Chloe says.

"It sounds lovely," Madison smiles, opening her eyes, "what about the others?"

"Finn and Michael are staying with Polly. Arthur has moved to a farm with Linda. John is in the countryside with his family. We're staying with Ash and Eddie." Chloe tells her.

"I miss them," Madison frowns.

"They miss you too, but you'll be reunited soon. We all will be." Chloe assures, smiling sadly at her wife.

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