(86) Protest

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"Do you know what Arthur's news is?" Ashton asks Madison as he and Edmund walk beside the small family of three whilst they headed for Uncle Charlie's yard.

"Not a clue," Madison shrugs.

"There they are," Curly giggles, pointing at them as they walked through the gate.

"Here we are," Madison nods, smiling at Curly, before looking at her eldest brother, "what's the big news?"

Arthur tries to pop the cork off of a Prosecco bottles, "you've still got the wire on, give it here," John says, taking it from him, as Arthur stands on a stool, clapping his hands together.

"Right. Gentlemen! And ladies." Arthur speaks, removing his cap, "Linda is up the swanny. I'm gonna be a fucking dad."

"That's amazing," Chloe smiles, hugging Arthur once he'd jumped off the stool, "September she reckons, her tits feel different already."

"Arthur before you open your mouth, take a look around." Madison says, "but congratulations."

"That's not the only thing that's going to be different brother. You're fucked now man." John laughs, "fucked. Absolutely fucked."

"I have a meeting I have to go to," Tommy states, walking forwards to embrace Arthur, "congratulations."

"I'm gonna be a dad." Arthur smiles, "I'm proud of you." Tommy tells him.

As Tommy leaves, he gives Madison a short glance, eyeing her before he leaves.

"Have you two still not sorted yourselves out?" Edmund queries, "I haven't been ignoring him, I tried talking to him, now if he wants to talk, he can speak first." Madison shrugs.


The storm was building up outside, the wind was getting stronger, the rain pouring harder, and the lightning striking brighter, between the loud claps of thunder.

Madison had her arms wrapped around her wife, who was flinching every time she heard a clap of thunder.

"It's alright, nothing's gonna hurt you. I won't let it." Madison whispers, placing soft kisses on her temple.

"Auntie M? Auntie Chlo?" Hugo knocks on their bedroom door, "come in, Hun," Madison says to him, and he opens the door nervously, "can I stay in here?"

"Of course, come on," Chloe nods, budging up so Hugo could join them on the bed.

"I heard noises downstairs, there's someone there." Hugo says, "you two stay here," Madison tells them, getting her gun from the bedside table, "it could just be one of the boys."

Another clap of thunder caused Chloe and Hugo to jump, hugging each other as Madison heads for the door, assuring them she wouldn't be long.

She flicked the hammer of her gun as she descended the stairs, keeping her finger on the trigger as she made her way through the kitchen, into the betting shop, checking all of the offices, before looking in the lounge.

"Don't shoot," Ashton says.

"Ash! What the fuck!" Madison exclaims, putting her gun away, "I- I couldn't find Ed," Ashton whispers, clinging to the bear Madison had got him.

"Come on," Madison softly commands, taking his hand and pulling him with her up the stairs, "take this off, or you'll get a cold. Ive got some of Johns old stuff you can wear."

Ashton stands at the top of the stairs as Madison goes into her brothers old room, getting him some comfier clothes, "get changed."

He nods, taking the clothes, going into the bathroom, quickly getting changed, "do they fit?" Madison asks.

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