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Madison was writing the odds to the names of the horses on the blackboard. Her back was to the bustling crowd of people coming to place their bets for the day.

Chloe had put on the dress she'd worn to the re-opening of the Garrison all those years ago, she remembered how eager Madi had been to get her out of it.

She had made some tea and was delivering it to Ashton and Eddie who were sat at their joint desk, counting the bets and making sure the numbers added up.

"What's she done this time?" Eddie laughs, noticing a majority of the males in the room, glancing at the red head.

"She hasn't done anything," Chloe says, "it's a game of control."

"Control?" Ashton repeats.

"Yes," Chloe nods, "it's the end of her 'sabbatical' today, she's annoyed because I didn't cave, and now I'm willing to cave, she's refusing to give me anything."

"Ahh, well please don't end up having sex on our desk." Ashton says.

Chloe eyes their desk, memories of Madison splaying her over it and kneeling at the edge when forced their way into the forefront of her mind.

"Ed, is this yours?" Chloe asks, leaning down to pick a tie clip from the floor.

The muttering in the shop stopped, and there was one wolf-whistle, this caused Madison to turn around from where she was stood at the head of the shop, her eyes narrowing on Chloe who innocently shrugged at her.

"Who was that?" Madison asks, breaking the chalk in her clenched fist as she walks down the steps to the main floor, "someone tell me who the fuck whistled at my wife before I lose my shit with all of you."

There were some slight movements, and then a pathway opened towards a man who was shrinking where he stood, trying to hide himself, "I didn't know she was your wife."

"And that gives you the right to whistle at her anyway?" Madison retorts, "it'd be okay if she wasn't with me? Is that what you're saying?"

"N-no, not at all." He shakes his head, practically shaking as Madison slowly makes her way towards him.

"I don't believe you," Madison states, "you clearly thought it was okay to whistle at her just because she leant over."

"Get this through your fucking head, nothing she does elicits that response from you." Madi says, "I know she looks fucking hot, but if everyone else in the room can keep their mouths shut, you should take that as a sign to do the same else I'll sew it shut."

Madison grabs the man by the collar, walking him towards the side door, forcing him to headbutt the brick wall outside, before releasing him, "get the fuck out, I see you round here again, it won't be pretty."

She turns around, stepping back inside and slamming the door shut, "the rest of you, mind your own fucking business."

Madi looks Chloe up and down from across the room, as she starts to walk back to the chalkboard at the front of the room, picking the broken chalk up from the floor.

"She's close to cracking," Edmund says

"How do you know?" Chloe asks.

"She keeps hesitating when writing the odds down," Edmund tells her, gesturing to where Madi was fiddling with a new piece of chalk.

They watched as a well dressed man approached her, Eddie and Ash had risen from their seats, but when Madison turned to look at the bloke, she gestures for them to sit.

"Madison Shelby."

"Yes." Madi responds.

"We spoke on the phone," he tells her, "I'm Caleb."

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