(21) The Truth Comes Out

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"Let me go check the house is clear." Madison whispers, her lips brushing against the woman's - whose name she had already forgotten- lips.

Madison had found a secret club. Sort of like a speakeasy, it's a secret spot where queer people go to hook up with people like themselves.

Walking downstairs, Madison walks through the lounge, no one there, stepping through into the betting den, still nobody.

However, when she strode into the kitchen most of the family was there.
"Why the fuck are you guys all in here?" Madi questions.

"Why not?" John shrugs.

Pollys eyes go wide when she looks at her niece, who was sporting a rather obvious hickey on the side of her neck. She was lucky her brothers hadn't noticed.

"Madison, g'morning." Polly speaks, "your hair is a mess." She adds, reaching forwards, and brushing some of Madisons hair infront of the mark, earning a confused look from her niece, to which she mouthed 'your neck.'

Everyone's heads snapped to the ceiling, when a loud bang sounds.

"The fuck is that?" Arthur says, reaching for his gun. "It came from Madisons room." John says, pointing diagonally upwards where Madis room was located.

All four brothers look at eachother, then at their sister, "it might've been one of my books falling." She lies, and the boys look at eachother again.

"Dibs shooting him." John shouts, getting from his seat and running up the stairs, Madison chasing him, Arthur, Tommy and Finn following her, with Polly trailing calmly behind her 'children,' who obviously needed to be taught not to run up the stairs like a parade of elephants.

"John, stop." Madison says, trying to stop him from entering her room.

"Who's in there?" Arthur asks his sister.

"Pfft, no ones in there." Madison scoffs.

"Boys, she's a grown woman. Let her have her fun." Polly speaks.

"Madison isn't allowed to have fun. You shouldn't be having fun either." John replies. "Excuse me!" Both women exclaim.

"What John boy here means, is that if we find any men sniffing near either of you, we will blow their heads off." Arthur smiles, cocking his gun.

"Must be lucky I'm not a man then." A voice speaks from behind Madison as the door opens.

Madison watches as Arthur and Johns jaw drops, when the red head she'd hooked up with stepped out from behind her, in one of Madisons blouses with her curly hair all messed up, lips still slightly plump and hickeys littering her neck and chest.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your family?"

"I wasn't planning to." Madison replies under her breathe.

"These are my brothers Arthur, John, Finn, Tommy and that's my aunt Polly." Madison says, "this is... um, Freya?"

"Chloe. My name is Chloe."

"Right, this is Chloe." Madison informs, "she is-"
"A woman. It's a woman." Arthur says, lowering his gun.

"Last time someone checked." Chloe replies, "wouldn't mind your sister checking again."

"You're a woman." John states, pointing at her, Polly slapping his finger down.

"Can we shoot her?" Finn asks.

"Finn!" Polly scolds.

"What? They were gonna shoot them if it was a man in there. Why's it make a difference if it's a woman? She's still sleeping with our sister." Finn says, and the older brothers take a moment to think  over his point.

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