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"Madi, Madi." Isaiah calls after her. "Alright Isaiah." Madison replies, slowing her pace allowing the boy to catch up to her - she was on her way down to Charlie's yard.

"I got you something. Well my Dad got it... but I helped, he said we should get flowers but I was like no, she'd prefer rum, so we got you rum and here, it's to say thank you for the other day, I thought you'd like it more than flowers." Isaiah rambles, pushing a bottle in her direction.

"You needn't get me anything, Isaiah. I appreciate the gesture, but i don't need praise for doing what anyone should have done."

"Do you not like the rum?" Isaiah asks, his smile faltering slightly.

"Listen to me, Isaiah. You don't need to pay me back, or thank me. You're like a brother to me alright, I'll look after you just as I do Finn, I don't want or expect anything in return." Madison replies, wrapping an arm round his shoulders.

"I still want you to have it, I'll get Finn to sneak it into your room if I have to." Isaiah states.

"I'll tell you what, I'll take it, and when you're an appropriate age to drink, we can open it together. Deal?" Madison negotiates, and he smiles, nodding.

"I really do appreciate you standing up for me Madi, not many people do." Isaiah says, "well you tell me if anyone gives you any trouble at all, and big sister Madi will go hunt them down and knock some sense into their thick heads." She replies, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"At least one good thing came from yesterday's ordeal." Isaiah speaks, "and what's that?" Madison asks.

"I am currently in the arms of Britain's prettiest lady." He replies, "cheeky lad." Madison laughs, removing her arm making him pout.

"I'm going down to visit the horses, wanna join me?" Madison asks. "When have I ever turned down an offer like that?" Isaiah smiles, and the two continue down to Charlie's yard.


"Where the fuck have you been?" Polly asks, rushing over to Madison, pulling her niece into her arms, fawning over her as if to make sure she were real.

"Woah, Pol. Calm down. I've been with the horses." Madison says.

"Did they find you? Did he find you?" Polly questions.

"Who was looking for me?" Madison replies. "What's happened? Why are you freaking out?"

"No one found you." Polly says, releasing a breathe of relief. "Did you not see the town?"

"No, I always take the back way home. What happened Pol?" Madison asks.

"They raided homes. The new inspector ordered it." Polly informs.

"Did he find you? Did he find Ada?" Madison questions.

"No, he didn't find Ada." Polly answers.

"What did he do Pol? What'd he say to you?" Madi asks.

"He didn't do anything, he just said he wanted to meet with Thomas." Polly replies, though Madison could tell she was lying.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Polly states, as Madison opens her mouth to question her some more, shutting it and turning to see her brothers entering the house.

"The fuck happened here?" Arthur asks.

"The towns been raided." Madison answers.

"The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he'd been arrested. They said the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it." Polly adds.

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