She hugs me to her. “I’m going to miss you.”

I smile at her as I pull away. “Hey, we can call, text, skype…the whole nine yards.”  I totally steal Amber's line.

She laughs and nods. “Let me know when your first soccer game is. Your dad and I will fly down here to watch you play.”

I agree and she then places a kiss on my cheek in front of Shannon and her parents.

“Mom!” I shout with embarrassment and wipe my face.

She just laughs and pinches my cheek before turning and leaving the house. When she is out of sight I rush back upstairs to get ready for the day. I skip the gourmet breakfast that Shannon’s mom cooks because I am too excited to eat.

Garrett arrives an hour later and he is shocked to find me in his girlfriend’s house. Shannon explains the situation and he is happy for me. We share a hug and leave to head to school. I don’t want to drive my Camaro so I get in the backseat of Garrett’s BMW.


I didn’t want to get out of bed. In less than four hours Emery would be gone. God, I was going to miss him. I sniffed back tears as I drug myself out of bed. I took a longer than usual shower and dressed down. I had no one to look cute for anymore.

I ate breakfast with my mom and she said a few words to cheer me up like, this wasn’t permanent and Emery and I would still stay in contact. She wasn’t really helping.

I excused myself from the table with my food being half eaten. I go into my room and gather the things I would need for school. I remembered that I had Emery’s car so I would have to drive myself to school today and every other day for the next four months.

The rest of this school year was going to suck.

I pull into the school parking lot and everyone stares at me, wondering where Emery is. I hear a few people whisper about me driving his car. I ignore them and spot Garrett’s car pulling into the lot. I don’t even wait for him and Shannon to get out so we can walk in together.

I head to my locker and fight tears as I gather what I will need for first period. I feel someone walk up behind me and I know it’s not Shannon. Hands are placed over my eyes and I figure it is Garrett, trying to be funny.

“What are you doing Garrett?” I ask him in a sad tone.

He doesn’t say anything and the hallway is real quiet. I know everyone doesn’t think there’s something going on between Garrett and I because I would never hurt Shannon. Besides, my heart belongs to…

I bump Garrett off me and spin to him. My mouth drops open when I see his smiling face.

“Emery? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on your way to the airport? Please don’t tell me you had to get one last good-bye in…”

I am silenced when he pushes my head forward and kisses me. I can hear everyone ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ in the background but at the bittersweet moment I can only focus on Emery. He deepens our kiss and I throw my arms around his neck.

“Okay lovebirds, break it up.”

I hear a teacher say behind Emery. He pulls away from me and still has a smile on his face. How can he be smiling right now?

“So, I don’t have soccer practice today. How about we spend the afternoon together? Just me and you.” he says.

What? I am confused. How can we spend the afternoon together? Realization hit in and I gasp.

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