✾ᴛʜᴇ ᴍ ᴡᴏʀᴅ✾

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"I see it, Luna" Peter piped up, "And the one next to it is a horse"

"Definitely a zebra"

"The only difference between zebras and horses are the stripes, you can't tell from a cloud"

"Yes, I-"

"Look who it is" James chuckled. I sat up, shifting my gaze to his view, noticing the Slytherin boy trudging over the grounds, the greasy curtain of his hair covering his face except his crooked nose that still was visible, "Come on, Moony, Padfoot" He told them, standing up and heading towards the boy.

"James" I warned quietly, getting up and following all the boys, not wanting anything too bad to happen and one of them takes it too far.

"Snape!" He called out, the boy snapping around to face him, drawing his wand. Only James was quicker, "Levicorpus"

Snap rose into the air, his robes hanging off him and his books falling on the floor. I bit my lip watching, standing close to my brother.

"Nice one, James" Sirius snickered, nodding to him.

"Who thinks we should take of Snivellus' trousers?"

"James, I don't-"

"Snivellus greasy, Snivellus greasy..." Sirius began chanting drowning my voice out, a crow forming around us of people from different years joining in and laughing at Snape when his trousers dropped down revealing his underwear. I averted my eyes away, not wanting to watch the scene.

"Stop! Let him go! What has he ever done to you!" Lily yelled, approaching, her face as red as her hair for anger.

"Alright, Evans" James nodded to the girl, my hearts sinking in my chest. This was not going to end well.

"Put him down now!" She roared, James rolling his eyes and dropping him down to the floor. Lily went to approach him when he backed away from her, a sneer on his face,

"I don't need help from a filthy mudblood like you!" He spat, Lily's eyes widening, upset filling her bright green eyes. She always cared for Snape, and yet he called her the foulest name possible.

"Apologise to Evans now!" James shouted at him, pointing his wand at the boy again. He loathed the term, he may not love Lily like he used to but he would never allow anyone to call her that vile name.

"Fine! You don't need my help? That's absolutely fine, you should go and change your underpants, Snivellus" She spat to the Slytherin boy, "You're just an arrogant toe rag, Potter. I can't believe I thought we could have been friends"

She turned to me and Remus, her nose twitching with anger, "And you two! I thought you were better than this, I thought you were my friend, Mel! Clearly not if you choose him over me" She cried, before storming away, my heart shattering. How could I choose? I couldn't. I needed both of them.

I shifted my teary gaze back to the messy haired boy as he stared at me, regret in his eyes. He walked towards me, making me take a step back, watching as his face dropped.

"Too far, James" I whispered, feeling tears stinging in my chocolate eyes.


"James!" Sirius shouted, not quick enough as Snape fired a spell at James, only missing and it hitting my cheek, a sting that turned into a large cut. Blood running down my face, I could smell the iron strongly. James' eyes turned dark before turning around and charging straight for the Slytherin.

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang