29; Happy Birthday Tommy Pt 2

Start from the beginning

Rachel then scoffs, "are you kidding me? Calum has been giving evil glares to William, and Shay has been avoiding any contact towards Calum's new friend, it's boiling something hot in here", Rachel complains and before Ashton could say anything, Shay comes over to them.

"Hi guys! Thanks for coming!", she said as she hugs the guys. 

"No problem, plus he's our little Tommy. We wouldn't miss it for the world. Eventhough we have to appear on MTV sessions today for our new album, but then Calum wouldn't want to miss his son's party so he convinced us to reschedule it", Luke said and Micheal hits his arm cause Calum specifically not to tell Shay about it. 

"What? You guys have something on today?", Shay asked and feeling a hint of guilt in her rollercoaster of emotions. 

"Luke, seriously? You're such a blabber-mouth!", Ashton yells at Luke and Luke shrugs his shoulder as a sign of an apology but then Shay holds his hand, "it's okay Luke, I'm glad that you told me". She smiles at the guys, "you guys shouldn't have postponed your show, Calum shouldn't be that selfish dragging you all here, you're in a band for God's sakes. But it's okay since you're here and Tommy is so happy that you guys are here. You guys go and be with the kids, I'm gonna go prep the cake", she walks away and smiles as if she's going to kill all of them in their sleep. "Will, can you help me please?", she calls out WIll and Will follow her into the kitchen.

"Go tell Calum what you did!", Micheal told Luke. 

"What? He doesn't have to know about this", Luke laughs with fear. "I mean, I don't see why Shay should not know about it. We cancelled something for her son's birthday, our little bro, shouldn't she be thankful or something?", Luke tries to defend his mistake. 

"Then you definitely do not know Shay, Luke", Rachel tells Luke. 

"What? Why?", Luke asks again and Ashton calls out Calum and he comes over with Alana. "Guys, you haven't said hi to Alana". 

Everyone is not actually interested in Alana so they just give a mere hi and a wave, she says hi back. After a few awkward seconds, Ashton lets the cat out of the bag, "Luke told Shay about the MTV sessions we dropped today". 

"I thought I was going to tell him!", Luke hits Ashton at his arms.

"What?! What the fuck, Luke? Do you have to be such a blabber-mouth? I specifically told you not to!", Calum puts his hand behind his neck. 

"I don't see what's the problem!", Luke defends his penguin self again.

"Shay is a very independant person, she doesn't want anything to interfere with my career, even if it's Tommy. She just feels like she's going to be a burden! Fuck, Luke! I gotta go talk to her", Calum walks away but then Alana grabs his arm not wanting to be left alone with the guys cause obviously she feels the tension between them, "you could talk to her later, babe". 

"No, this needs to be addressed now", he says and escapes from her grasp. He enters the kitchen and Will and Shay are giggling but he has to interfere. "Shay, can I talk to you for awhile? In private".

Both of them looks at his direction and Will crosses his arm, "we are kinda in the middle of something, mate". 

Calum walks towards furiously, "I'm not your mate!", Shay quickly get in between them, "stop!". 

She looks at Will,"give us a minute, will you?". Will holds her shoulder,"anything just call me out, I'll just be outside", then he leaves the kitchen but then Calum can't help but to respond, "yeah, go outside! Take a walk, mate". Shay pushes Calum and look at him in disbelief, "what is your problem?!"

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