My Little Franxx Princess!!

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We Open up In Argentea's Room, as Instead of Sleeping or Relaxing The Pink Franxx was singing and twirling around in the Bubbly and Cheery way that only she can Pull off with such Conviction, and Cheerfulness only she can Pull off so Naturally!

Argentea: (Singing) Yay! Mommy and Daddy are Finally Visiting me! This is Going to be the Best, The Best, The Best, Best, Best, Day Eveeeeerrrr... So Far!

She then Giggles as she twirls over to her Dresser and Looks into her Mirror, wondering she should wear A Bow or something!

Argentea: Hm, So Would I like Good with A Bow? Maybe A Pink one? Oh, Maybe A White one? Maybe I'll Shake it up A Little And wear A Blue One? Nah, It doesn't look good on me. Oh, I am so excited! Oh, I Sure do Hope That Mommy and Daddy will Like me! Oh, This is going to be amazing!

With You and Miku...

After Your Turn with Ichigo to spend some time with Delphi, You were now going with Miku to Visit Argentea and The Hotheaded, and the Impulsive girl was not that Happy!

Miku: I don't understand why we have to see her? Can't she ever deal with things herself?

Y/n: (Tick Mark) Because Miku, We're her Parents, And we need to Look After her. Got it?

Miku: Please I never had A Mother, and I'm perfectly fine

Y/n: (Tick Mark) That's because you were grown in A Test Tube Miku, she needs A Mother in her Life, and You need to follow into that role. Okay? 

Miku: Why? Like I Give A Damn

Y/n: (Tick Mark) Shut it!

Miku: But-?

Y/n: (Tick Mark) Shut! IT!

Miku: (Sigh) Fine

You both walked into Argentea's Room as the Franxx was still dancing around and it was Honestly adorable, as her Room was with White and Pink walls, with A Makeup Booth, A Dresser, A Couch, and even A Bed with Pink Sheets and Blankets!

You both walked down the catwalk towards Argentea, and she smiled twirling over!

Argentea: Hi there Mommy, Hi there daddy!

Y/n: Hi Argentea we Missed you so much!

Miku: ...

Y/n: Right Miku?

Miku: Yeah

Argentea: (Thought) Huh? Is Mommy not that excited? Is there something wrong with me?

Agrentea then Picked you both up, and Hugged you both, as she twirled you both to her Bed, where she sat you down at Her Makeup Booth, as she smiled!

Agrentea: Hey Mommy? Daddy?

Y/n: Yes, Sweetums?

Argentea: I have something to ask you

Y/n: Yes?

Argentea: Could you dance? Like in the storybooks? I talked to Grandma, and she says You are Like A Prince, and that would make Mommy A Princess, so could you please do it?

Miku: N-

Y/n: Of Course Sweetie

Miku then Gave you A Glare, which you returned!

Argentea: (Thoughts) Huh? Do they somehow not Like each other?

You and Miku got into Position, and you wrapped each hand around the back of her neck, and waist, while she wrapped her arms around your waist, and you Both began Dancing around the Giant Dressing Table, and With Miku Being the Hothead she is, she has trouble keeping up due to her Building anger, and You Kept on Dancing with her all over the Place as Argentea watched on with Awe, and Glee, Until Miku tripped and you both fell and You fell on top of her, as she Blushed bright Pink!

Y/n: Oh Sorry about that

Miku was Blushing when she heard Argentea giggling to herself, and The Mother immediately blew her top!

Miku: Get the Hell off of me! Look I don't know why I even do this!? I was perfectly fine with our Relationship, But I never even wanted A Child in the First Place!

Everything was suddenly silent, as You were in shock, and Argentea was equally as shocked but then tears began to fall from her face, as she soon began sobbing!

Argentea: (Crying) M-Mommy doesn't Love me!? How come she doesn't love me!? WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!


Miku's face began to soften up, as You Just held her shoulder, and she took A Deep sigh of relief as she got up, and Turned to Argentea!

Miku: Argentea sweetie would you Please calm down? I'm Sorry... I didn't mean anything that I said

Argentea: (Sniffling) R-Really?

Miku: Yeah, I mean I may not be ready to be A Mother, but... I still love you very much, and I May make Plenty of Mistakes, but I promise I'll be the best Mom I can be

Argentea: (Sniffling) Do you really Promise?

Miku: Yeah, I Promise

Argentea: (Sniffling) T-Thank you

So After that You, Miku, and Argentea spent some time together, as the three of you talked, Play Games, and even watched her dance which she was surprisingly good at, and soon it was time for the both of you to Leave, so you both hugged her, and then Left through the catwalk, and the two of you were Now walking through the Hallway, as Miku had A Solemn Look on her face!

Miku: Y/n, Do you think I'm ready to be A Mom?

Y/n: Of course I do, I mean... You quickly solved that situation right. I put the entirety of my Faith into you

Miku then Held Your Hand smiling

Miku: Thanks, I really appreciate it, I'll be the best Mom I can Be

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