A homemade supper

Start from the beginning

By the time supper was ready, you knew everyone would be hungry since lunch was missed while you had taken over the kitchen for the entire day. You had made sure to put the cheese cakes in the fridge with the cherry filling on top until supper was over so it would be perfectly cooled. You had to admit, you felt a lot lighter, and in a better mood than you had been in a long time. Your mom set the table for everyone while you put the finishing touches on the serving dishes. You made sure to fill up Billy's kibble dish before cutting up four steaks for Melody and Cloud to share.
When you finally washed up, you noticed your dress was full of flour and fillings from the food etcetera.
"Mama, I'm going to change real quick" you told her quickly and ran down to your room and changed into a black sun dress, with a black sweater on top and ran back. You saw everyone was already seated, with Vision holding Pup. Bucky was seated in Clint's normal spot, while your mom took Scott's spot. You blushed when you saw all eyes were on you. "Sorry, I had food all over me" you admitted gently.
"You've been keeping secrets still" Wanda crossed her arms at you.
"No I haven't, all my secrets are out for over a week now" you shook your head and waited while everyone served themselves and sent the food down slowly.
"I don't believe you ever told me you sang" Nat pointed out.
"I don't sing, that much" you blushed a deep red as Bucky handed you the tray of ribs and you took a few.
"There's singing, and there is singing beautifully. You sing beautifully. I can't believe you kept that from us" Pepper shook her head.
"I stopped singing a year ago" you blushed.
"I think you just needed your mama to come back and remind you of what makes you happy still" your mom looked over knowingly. "Most of this meal was made by her as well"
"I'm starving" Steve started digging in.
"I liked your playlist" Bucky looked at you with a flirty smile. "It was hard not to go in and watch your performance, but I saw a little from the living room"
"That wasn't meant to be seen" you blushed a deep red.
"You should do it more often" he whispered to you with a smirk. "You smile more when you do"
"Oh my God, this is good" Tony exclaimed as he ate.
"Its all made from scratch" you mom said proudly.
"You made the perogies filling mama" you pointed out.
"Your recipe" she reminded you. "You taught it to me, remember?"
"Can you cook for us more often?" Nat moaned as she took a bite of your ribs.
"No, there's not enough time in the world for that. Besides, you guys love when the chef cooks" you pointed out quickly.
"This is better" Bucky shrugged. "Much better" he added, taking another slice of bread.
"Save room for dessert" you reminded him.
"This is delicious" Steve sighed happily. "Worth it to miss out on lunch" he added.
"I'm sorry we took up the kitchen for so long Steve" you apologized quickly. "I know you hate to miss on your meals"
"I told her that" Bucky chuckled.
"I don't mind" Steve grinned. "This meal is worth it. To be clear, its Bucky that gets hangry" he gave a small chuckle.
"Did you lie to me Bucky?" you looked at him with a bit of a pout.
"No doll, he gets hangry too" Bucky shook his head with a smile.
"Its been forever since we've had fresh bread" Pepper sighed happily. You smiled to yourself and finished your meal. You saw Cloud and Melody come out and went straight to Bucky who got up quickly and got napkins to clean their faces. It warmed your heart to see him take the time to wash their faces. Your mom looked over, and smiled at you knowingly. You saw a lot of the team went for seconds, and smiled to yourself again. By the time the meal was over, there wasn't anything left over except one loaf of bread. You grabbed your dishes, Bucky's and your moms and brought them into the kitchen and looked at the mess you had left for the staff and felt badly. You grabbed the dessert plates and brought them out to the table and went back for the cheese cake and set them on the table.
"I don't know if I can eat anymore" Happy started to say until you set the cheese cake down, and he smiled. "I think I can make some room"
"Its home made cherry cheesecake" you smiled proudly.
"I can't wait for this" Bucky quickly started cutting the one closer to him, and he served your mom and you both a piece before putting a slice on his plate. He let out a moan of satisfaction taking his first bite, and you flushed a bit. You saw Steve take a bite and nodded appreciatively. Everyone just inhaled it, and you saw a few take second slices and there was none left by the time supper was over.
"You should have told us you could cook like this. It was so good" Bruce spoke up.
"I don't cook that often" you blushed.
"She used to cook all the time" your mom ratted you out. "When I would get home from work, there was always some new experiments for meals ready for me"
"Its not that much fun just cooking for yourself" you admitted.
"You can cook for us anytime" Tony sat back in his chair. "Can you give some of your recipes to the cook?" he grinned.
"Sure, I don't mind" you blushed. "I can bring my cookbooks out here for anyone to use"
You heard Pup let out a bark, and Vision stood up and went to go make bottles for him, while Wanda trailed after him quickly taking Pup from him. You went to clear off the table, but Bucky and Steve beat you to it.
"Thank you for the meal" you heard several people smiled to you and your mom.
"Thank you for having me" your mom smiled at Tony and Pepper, then to Steve. "Come with me" your mom reached out her hand to you and you blindly took it and she led you to the living room to sit down.
"What's wrong mama?" you asked curiously.
"I want to go for a walk with you, but we need an escort I assume?" she asked.
"I can protect you" you gave a smile.
"No, you need an escort" Tony came in. "You know why" he reminded you.
"I can't live in a cage Tony" you pouted.
"I'll take her" Bucky came out.
"We will" Steve was behind him.
"Perfect" your mom went to the balcony door and opened it, and Billy, Cloud and Melody went down the stairs quickly.

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