Chapter 40

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"Thank you so much Haz," I say while unbuckling my seatbelt.

"It's the least I could do know." He shrugs. "Everything."

And he was right, he really did owe me for everything he did.

I smile at him, getting out of the car and he shouts good luck at me before I close the car door. He drives off as I make my way to the doorstep.

My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest as I knock on the door. I probably look like a sweaty mess. It's hot outside and I'm nervous.

A few moments later the door opens and instead of Tom, it's his mom.

"Y/n!" She smiles brightly and pulls me into a hug.

I hug her back and hope she doesn't mind my sweaty hands touching her back.

"Hi Ms. Holland, I came to see Tom."

She furrows her eyebrows. "He's not home he left to go to prom."

I curse in my head realizing he must not come home.

Her face contorts into worry after seeing mine. "Is he not there?"

"N-no he's there, Haz told me he is." I quickly shake my head. "I just couldn't find him, but I'll go back thank you, Mrs. Holland."

"Wait y/n." She says before I leave, "Tom may not be perfect but he really does love you and I've never seen him happier when he was with you."

My smile grows. "I know, and I've never loved anyone liked I've loved Tom."

She pulls me into a hug once more before sending me off. The door shut I reached for my phone on me but silently cursed when I realized I forgot my phone in haz's car. I cant surprise Tom if I have no idea where he is or if I have no ride to take me there.

Not to mention it was dark and I was out here alone. My house was just down the street but I wasn't about to give up on Tom again. I hug myself and shiver from the slight wind.

I sit on a rock and think as to where he could be. And then it came to me. I stand up and start walking quickly. My ankle bends and I almost fall. I groan before taking off my heels and speed walking the rest of the way barefoot. At this terrible rate, it'd probably take me 30 minutes to get there. I just hope he won't be gone by that time.


I was hoping I would be wrong about the walk took me thirty minutes and I was—just not the way I wanted it to be.

40 minutes later and I've finally reached. It's so dark and I'm surprised I haven't gotten kidnapped yet. Fuck, I don't wanna jinx it.

My feet are sore and I feel like dying. When I finally reach the top of the hill, I stop and scan around. The ends of my dress are messy and have turned brown. I lift the front of my dress slightly so I don't step on the ends and fall over.

When my eyes finally find him I let out a huge sigh and almost laugh from relief. He was sitting on top of his car as we had done a couple of days ago. He was at "our spot" as he called it.

I finish my quick breather and use the energy I have left to quickly walk over to him. I haven't any idea of what I'm going to say. My heart beats faster with every step take.

He doesn't hear me coming, only noticing when I'm next to the car looking up at him.

He looks surprised to see me here. "Y/n?" He climbs off the roof of the car.

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