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Diana stood there silently along with a worried Professor and a perplexed Erik in the small room located at the back of the eatery. Her recent illusion contact with Frabal had somehow left her tongue tied, for seeing the love of your life after years opened a deadly can of worm within. She still clearly remembered the day when he had walked along as a handsome young man with her friend Selene, in this very same eatery 20 years ago in Draxal Makuto. A familiar gush of feeling that she had almost forgotten about interjected within her body. Tears welled up softly in Diana's eyes for the picture of the day when he had betrayed her and abandoned her also flashed very evidently in front of her.

"Now what...?", asked a still shocked Ms. Bretrix. who failed to make peace with the bomb of information that Diana had dropped on her.

Ms. Diana snapped out of her trance, "Uh... yes...", she started but was cut short when she heard a soft buzzing voice from the distant. The buzzing voice increased its intensity and slowly converted into a loud grunt.

"Do you...?", started Ms. Diana.

"Hear that? Yes!", said Erik, "Its coming from the war ground.", he spoke and got up hastily from his seat. He fled towards the door and Ms. Diana and Bretrix looked at each other and nodded their head in syncs, before following Erik.

Erik increased his footsteps and ran all the way towards the eatery gate. He flung open the gate and emerged outside in the open.

"FRICKEN SHIT....", he cursed as his eyes shot up and took in the devasting scene that was unfolding infront of him. All of a sudden, the peaceful quiet full moon weather had turned into a ferocious monster as rampant wind howled through the war grounds. The trees, plants and shrubs were ripped out of their clothes as the gusty wind hit them hard scattering the leaves everywhere. Erik was pushed back almost thrown of his feet. But that was not his main concern for floating right in the air a few meters above the ground, was a vague green coloured circle appearing out of nowhere. The circle kept increasing in size and Erik guessed what it was!

"Someone is making a portal inside the university!", he spoke to himself as a chilling terror started filling inside him. He knew that making a portal within the walls of Draxal Makuto was forbidden and prohibited by charms. So it definitely wasn't good news! He fixed his eyes at the green circle as it kept increasing in size and soon it was big enough for a mage to fit in.

In a flash of a second before Erik could bait an eye, the portal opened up and out jumped something out of it that Erik hadn't imagined in his wildest dreams. Pouring out of the magic portal like rain drops were hundreds of masked men dressed in identical black clothes and oversized hoodies that obscured their faces. They moved in a perfect sync and kept coming out continuously from the green portal and hopping on the ground below. They looked formidable and extremely dangerous but they hadn't yet noticed him.

He heard footsteps and immediately two figures appeared on his either side.

"What the hell...", exclaimed Ms. Bretrix as her breath hitched in her throat.

A huge grunting noise was heard that drowned all the music coming from the great hall as an enormous strange structure came out of the portal maneuvered by many masked men.

Erik's jaw dropped in shock as he saw the gigantic black circle with four bars at 12oclock, 5oclock, 6oclock, and 7oclcok positions. He recognized it instantly for their was not a historian worthy of its salt present in the whole of Arrevia that couldn't recognize that symbol.

"What does that black circle mean...", asked Ms. Diana.

Erik snapped his face towards her, "Not a good thing...."., said he distress and anxiety clearly marked on his face.
"Get everyone out of here fast..."

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