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Norah rubbed her eyes lazily as she opened them up. An unconscious long yawn escaped her mouth . She had slept like a log.

She turned around and found a small boy sleeping in the bed next to her. Norah scrunched her eyebrows in confusion "where was Zoya?, she thought to herself.

It was then realisation hit her hard and all the memories of last night came pouring in her mind. Her leaving the dormitory, the murder she witnessed , Rafael performing black magic , and lastly her bumping into Erik

She immediately got up from the bed and started looking around.

"Mrs Green!", she called , but nobody answered. On the bed infront of her Cade grumbled turning in his sleep.

Maybe she is cooking, Norah thought to herself. She tapped her hands together and spoke softly "Tick tock!". Immediately purple magic shimmered from her hands and formed a small clock in the air.

Norah's eyes widened in surprise when she saw it was 9 a.m.
"Damn! I am late for the morning class", she muttered to herself and hurriedly put on her shoes and left the bedroom.

As she walked into the massive eatery located adjacent to the bedroom , she was completely taken aback !
The huge hall was completely empty without a single soul in it. The buffet counters instead of being laden with variety of delicious delicacy, lay completely bare.

The benches and tables spread all across the floor remained unoccupied. Even, the Marge workers that helped Mrs Green with the cooking, were nowhere to be seen.
Norah stood there confused. It was breakfast time that meant this place should be bustling with students instead of looking like the deserted mansion, it appeared right now.

Where was everyone?, thought Norah to herself.

Suddenly Norah heard a voice coming from somewhere , "Oh.. ! My..Oh My!".
It sounded a lot like Mrs Green's but Norah couldn't locate her anywhere.

Her dilemma got resolved for just then Mrs Green came bursting into the room.

Norah was surprised to notice that Mrs Green was still wearing her night dress and cap. But she did not look sleepy, she was wide awake. Infact, her eyes were red & a swollen as if she had been crying.
She was literally shaking with fear and blowing her nose in a horrendous looking red handkerchief.
Something had really shackled Mrs Green up, thought Norah.

"Nasty business. Very nasty business!", said Mrs Green sniffing her tears.

Norah rushed to her side, "What happened Mrs Green. Are you alright?", she asked concerned.

Mrs Green stopped blowing her nose and looked up.

"Oh ! My! My ! My! Its a miracle that you are safe! Oh!", she exclaimed hysterically and went on to hug Norah.

Norah awkwardly hugged her back , feeling weird about the weeping Mrs Green clinging onto her, "what happened?", she asked confused .

Mrs Green broke the hug and looked at her, "Oh! I can't tell you. I just can't. Its too nasty business. Never happened at Draxal Makuto.!", she said shaking her head vigorously .

Norah's eyes widened! She began to realise what Mrs Green was talking about . 

"Mrs Green, please tell me everything!", said Norah clutching her.

Mrs Green shook her head , "I can't. I can't!. But you should go and join your class. They are looking for you."

Norah was taken aback. "They are looking for me?", she asked apprehensively.

Mrs Green nodded , "Yes. You should go!. I have to check on Cade!".

She then left, leaving Norah standing there alone in an empty eatery.

Kingdoms of Arrevia : The Beginning (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now