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Struggling to come to terms with that unexpected revelation , Norah stumbled through the doorway barely managing to keep herself and Gomez upright.
She forced herself to recall whether her dad had ever mentioned any uncle.
She sifted through the few memories she possessed of her mom who had died soon after giving birth to Gomez
No. She decided. No uncle had ever been mentioned, maternal or otherwise.
She made a mental note to be careful as she got distracted by room she had walked in.

The living room was definitely much better than her shabby cottage. It had a wooden fireplace near the window, with two comfortable chairs around it.
There was a beautiful craved dining table sufficient for at least 6 people in the middle of the room. Besides that their was a small coffee table, surrounded by a couch. There were stairs at the back, that lead upstairs to the first floor.

The walls has shelves full of all sorts of magical items. She recognised the magic mirror from before.

But what attracted her most was that a section of wall was covered completely with awards and portraits.
She walked towards it and saw various certificates carrying the mark of BROMDIGON. Apparently her uncle was one efficient trader. Their were portraits of him with Erik, of him alone receiving the rewards and many more.
She was glancing though them, when one particular portrait caught her attention. It looked old and had faded away a bit.
There where three people in it; two men and a woman in between them. The man on the left looked a lot like the woman, except he was much younger. The man on the right side had an arm around the woman.
All three of them looked extremely happy.

"Thats your mom. She was pregnant with you at that time.!", said FRABEL

Norah unhinged the picture from the wall and stared at it. She couldn't believe these two were her parents! They looked so young! So carefree and full of life! They looked healthy and strong.
This wasn't how she remembered them!
Her mother was the frail young women who always used to fall sick before she died and her father was this submissive old man who used to be scared of her doing magic!

But then again she never did guess her father was a Mage. Did she really know her parents?

She turned towards Mr Frabal and said weakly, "Tell me everything about my parents"

Frabal smiled and said ,"I WILL NORAH! But right now, you should eat something and sleep. Erik will show you your room. Take some rest Norah, you need it!

Norah nodded at him. He was correct she was dead tired from the journey and Gomez was almost falling asleep.

"Come!", said Erik. She clutched Gomez's hand and he led him upstairs to the first floor.
The first floor was divided into a corridor consisting of two rooms on the right side and a door on the left side , that opened up to the terrace.

"THATS YOUR ROOM!". Erik opened the door to the first room and Norah and Gomez walked in.
Norah gasped as she saw the room. It was more than she had expected. There was a queen sized bed in the middle of the room with white blankets, which looked extremely appealing to a tired Norah.
The rest of the room consisted of a book shelf and a small study table. There was a mirror on the opposite wall and a closet for clothes.

"THATS THE BATHROOM!", said Erik and walked across the room opening a small door at the back.

Norah peeped in, it was clean and had a nice bath in it, "ITS GOOD!"., she mumbled.

Erik smiled at her and said , "Make yourself comfortable.!"

He then walked towards the closet and opened it.

"I.. I.. I don't know anything about women's's clothes!", he mumbled embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his head, "Master asked me to buy some , so I bought these.!"

Kingdoms of Arrevia : The Beginning (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now