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Professor Alfred taught war skills at the university of Draxal Makuto . The first thing that Norah noticed about him was his appearance was in sharp contrast to that of the other professors. He neither had the stern expression of Ms Bretrix, nor the death stare of Headmaster Gregor. He was the first professor who did not make Norah shiver with fear.

The mop of black hair on his head glistening with a few strands of white, was evident of the fact that he was in his mid forties. He had a thick black moustache paired up with a nicely trimmed beard . He was wearing black pants with a white long sleeved shirt tucked inside a sleeveless black waistcoat.
The usual purple coloured university cape drapped on his shoulders.

"GOOD MORNING, MY DEAR STUDENTS", said Professor Alfred, in what Norah thought was a surprisingly cheerful tone for that morning.

"I know you all are quite shaken up from the unfortunate turn of the events . It was an extremely disheartening news to bear. But there isn't much we could do about it. So we need to pull ourselves together like a brave mage!
And as the University abides by its strict curriculum, we cannot delay this class.
But don't worry i am gonna make this as easy & fun for you as much i can! I always say, nothing better than a good war training to bust your stress!", said Professor Alfred smilingly .

Norah found it so unusual for a university professor to actually greet them with a smile, that she nearly thought he was being sarcastic.

"Now,!", said Professor and he stared pacing up and down, "Before we begin. I would like to brief you up about warriors skills."

"As many of you already know, its a purely non magical technique. Your inner mage pool has nothing to do with it. However it is extremely important for a mage to learn war skills. Can anyone tell me, why?", asked the professor.

As usual Christoph's hand shot up in the air.

"Yes please!",

"Sir , warrior skills are needed to control and channelise our mage power.", answered Christoph

Professor Alfred nodded his head , "True! But thats not the only reason. Can anyone else tell me the other reason? ".

Nobody raised their hand this time and so the professor continued  "Okay , no problem. Let me explain it to you."
"You, please come here!". He said pointing towards Hudson, who was standing in the front row.

Hudson looked around nervously . He was unsure that the Professor had called him or not and he desperately hoped that he hadn't.
But alas! When the professor continued to stare at him, he got his clue. Hudson sighed and reluctantly walked towards the former . He went and stood infront of the professor.

"Now, i want you to attack me with the best mage spell that you know of.", said the professor.

Hudson stared at him in disbelief. "Huh.. what?", he squeaked softly like a scared animal.

"Come on boy, I give you my permission!", said Alfred as he drew out his sword from the scabbard which hung from his waist.

The professor's sword was a feat to the eyes. The blade was made up of lustrous silver that shone so brightly in the daylight, it nearly blinded the onlooker. The golden brown hilt was astonishingly beautiful and was studded with multicoloured jewels, which Norah guessed must be pretty expensive.
But the most striking feature of the sword was the edge of the blade. If someone would have told her that its sharpness could cut through air, Norah would have believed him.

The Professor held his sword in a perfectly balanced position and took on a defensive stance . The hilt looked like it was made for his hands and the sword appeared to be an extension of his arm. Norah had absolutely no knowledge about swordsmanship but just the Professor's perfect posture told her about the years of practice he had riding that horse.

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