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Duke Albastor Hamid's patience had worn out hours ago but alas he had to sit down silently and listen to Duke Whiteslaw ramble continuously about some irrelevant anecdote that happened to him whilst he was going on a round of the kingdom. From what Albastor could make out a palace guard had stopped Duke Whiteslaw on the way and that had crushed his paper thin ego.
"So you see Duke not only was the guard rude & insensitive but he had the audacity to use his filthy green magic on me.." cried Duke Whiteslaw standing in the great hall of the blue moon castle in a room full of dukes and nobility.

"Yes.. Yes.. I see. I would look into the matter at once.", mumbled Duke Albastor trying to suppress a big yawn that had involuntarily formed on his face as a result of Whiteslaw's long mundane speech. Sometimes he wondered if he would run out of patience oneday and kill one of his companions. He would very much love to but alas! He needed a board of members to not look like a one man rule in front of his disciples.

Duke Whiteslaw grumped as he returned back take his place at the table. He was in a fool mood today for apart from being frisked by a guard he knew Albastor hasn't even heard a word of his tale of woe. He wanted power and Albastor has promised him that when he had joined him 18 years ago however his position as a duke of the draken society has only weakened in the last couple of years.

Duke Albastor Hamid got up from his beautifully carved long sofa "My noble dukes and duchess." He said addressing the crowd. "I have certain pressing matters of the kingdom to look into so I hereby adjourn today's board meeting." said he in a sharp voice that boomed across the great hall. The crowd of dukes spilt into hushed murmurs immediately for the meeting had resolved far too early than expected and it was nowhere near the end. Some of the nobility casted an accusing look at Whiteslaw for they were pissed off at him for taking up the entire time in narrating his stupid incident. Duke Whiteslaw shifted uncomfortably under the accusing stares.

Duke Albastor looked at the commotion filled room and sighed. He had so many plans to formulate today and this cacophony was already threatening to split his head into two. He gestured towards his faithful servant Maggot who stood towards his left. Maggot caught his master's eyes and immediately nodded his head as he understood his master command.
He stepped down from the podium he was standing on and walked towards the left wall of the hall. He stopped a few inches away from the wall and banged his shaft on the ground "Opren!" he shouted as violet magic shot out of his shaft, straight towards the wall where it hit and unlocked a small door. The door creaked open ever so slightly that none of the Duke or Duchess noticed who were still busy bickering over petty issues.

Maggot turned towards his master and nodded his head. Albastor took the cue and quietly but quickly stepped down from the podium and walked towards the small door. He slyly slipped out of the hall through the small door, followed by Maggot who closed the door carefully behind him.

"Thank you for getting me out of there." said Duke Albastor and Maggot bowed his head in respect.

"Now let's get to work!", said the duke to himself as he heaved a sigh of relief. Its gonna be a long day today for he had to finish some personal errands contact Lucifer to learn about new developments and also give certain instructions to Gregor.

"May I ask what is it that your high Duke is thinking about?", interrupted Lucifer. "I can only assume it is a matter of high importance and involves the Lieutenant of Xarak", said Maggot carefully.

"CRAZEN!" yelled the duke instantly and blue fire emerged out of his hand, shooting towards Maggot with such a speed than even before he could blink his eyes there was ring of fire all around him.

Duke Albastor Hamid walked towards his servant, "What did I say about asking too many questions, Maggot?" said he in a dangerous tone while taking his sword out of his scabbard.
A chill ran down Maggot's spine as his legs started to tremble at the sight of the sharp sword not to forget that the burning hot fire was closing in on him from all around.

Kingdoms of Arrevia : The Beginning (Book1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora