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The explosion resulted in a thunderous sound, nearly bursting the eardrums of everyone present nearby.Tables and chairs were upturned, food laden plates tossed in the air and Rafael and Maurice were thrown of their feet.
The aftershock took a couple of seconds to die down but when it finally did, a chaos erupted in the eatery. Mages started to pull themselves together searching for the cause of the commotion .
As luck would have it the common eatery right now was mainly occupied by the second & third year mages for most of the first year novices had left to attend Professor Querrel's class.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?", demanded a mage standing nearby . He was a second year student as was evident from the brown coloured cape drapped over his shoulders.
Draxal Makuto had different capes for the students belonging to different years at the university . The third or final year mages got a black cape, the second year's wore a brown one whereas the first year novices were not given any. Rest of the mages at the university including the Headmaster, the professors and all other faculties wore purple.
The colours were specifically selected to not to resemble any of the four kingdoms, reinstituting the belief that Draxal Makuto was an independent university.

Rafael and Maurice got off their feet and looked around at the commotion they have created. The explosion had been bigger than they had anticipated. A lot of tables and chairs had given away , not to forget their was food all over the floor.
Maurice looked up and saw a crowd of angry looking seniors giving him death stares.

"I.. uh.I.!", he stammered for the first time he was lost for words.

"I.. uh.. what? Explain as to why you two were creating a ruckus right in the middle of the cafeteria?" , demanded a senior.

"It was an accident!", spoke Rafael from behind.

Maurice looked up at his rival with annoyed surprise . What the hell was he trying to pull?

Meanwhile the senior jerked his head towards him. He looked at Rafael distastefully, "Oh really!", he spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Well come with me to the headmaster's office! He would love to hear about your little "accident"

Both Maurice and Rafael looked at each other. Neither of them were in a mood to visit Gregor.

Just then a voice spoke from behind,

"Jefferson wait!" .

All heads turned towards the voice as Erik came forward running hastily . His black university cape flying behind him. His messy brown hair looked even more messier and he was very clumsily dressed. Once he reached them, he panted to catch his breath for a couple of seconds .

"Leave then to me!", said he to the mage named Jefferson.

"But they should be taken to the headmaster.", argued Jefferson, " They caused a very ugly explosion!".

"I am a black caped student as well as a intern working directly under Professor Hedwig. I think so I am more capable than you. in handling the situation!"  said Erik definitely. "You take Jenny with you and clean this mess".

Jefferson looked at him in annoyance . Apparently he did not like the idea of letting go Maurice and Rafael so easily . However he had no choice but to follow Erik's orders, after all he was his senior and also an intern.

He nodded his head slowly at him, "JENNY!", he called.

Jenny emerged from the crowd . She was a short heighted girl with pixie haircut and rimmed glasses . She was thin as a twig and looked like a child. However there was a blazing fierce spirit burning in her eyes , that warned people of her capabilities. She had a brown university cape drapped over her shoulders, indicating her year at thr university .

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